Essay Sample on Injury Risk Reduction

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Health Care, Sports
đź“ŚWords: 494
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 16 July 2022

You can reduce your risk of injuries and death by doing many things, such as taking care of your health, taking precautions, and using the appropriate gear. It is important that everyone follow restrictions to ensure safety and good health. 

Firstly, you should take care of your health. This is one of the most important things that every single individual should do. Taking care of your health includes getting yearly checkups, getting medicine on time, and preparing healthy foods. Getting yearly checkups is important to see if you’re healthy or if you have any illnesses. This includes your family doctor, optometrist, dentist, and more. Blood tests are also important to get every year so that you can check if you have diabetes, low iron, low vitamin C, and much more. Preparing food is one of the things that all households do, and it’s important to check expiry dates, wash your hands, and etc. While cooking, you should check the nutritional facts and look at Canada's food guide for guidance. Taking care of your health through activities such as sports can also be essential. This includes taking breaks, being aware of how the sport affects you physically and more. 

Secondly, it is so important to take precautions while performing physical activities. In other words, we should all think before we act. For example, when I was in grade 4, I decided to run instead of walk, which wasn’t a great idea. I had then fractured my arm due to tripping on a sloped area of the concrete floor. If I took some time and thought about the consequences, I would’ve avoided having to deal with this incident. Not only that, but it’s important to take precautions by using the proper technique. Let’s use karate as an example. If I was going to learn a new, difficult karate step, it wouldn’t be safe if I used my own technique, but instead, I would have a teacher or coach that would teach you the proper technique to avoid injury. 

Thirdly, you should use appropriate safety gear for the specific type of activity you are doing. This is important because safety gear is made to be used so that you can be safe. For example, helmets can help you have a lower risk of injuries and concussions, and car seat belts help protect you if a car accident occurs. Various sports recommend wearing gear which prevents scrapes, cuts, twisted sprains, fractures and more. Some examples of gear that is used while performing many activities include neck and shoulder gear, elbows, chest, knees, shin pads, helmets, mouthpieces, face guards, eyewear and more. Many of us don't understand the importance of using safety gear, but it’s important to wear/use them so that we are all safe. 

In conclusion, it is important to warm up before activities, take precautions, and use appropriate safety gear so that we can all reduce our risks of injuries and death. This is so that we can enjoy our everyday sports while being safe. Many people don’t think about the consequences of an activity that shouldn’t be happening. I really hope you learned something new and will follow these tips to reduce your risk of injury and death.

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