Benefits of Basketball Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Basketball, Health, Sports
đź“ŚWords: 259
đź“ŚPages: 1
đź“ŚPublished: 06 August 2022

Talking to friends on Facetime and laying on the couch all day might be relaxing, but basketball is a great healthy hobby instead. Playing basketball regularly is like spending time with your friends while exercising. Basketball is a healthy hobby because it is a great source of exercise and it's a social sport because you’re able to spend quality time with family and friends.

Basketball is a great source of exercise because it keeps your muscles moving which prevents injuries and improves your balance by having good footwork. Balance is important to be able to ride bikes, scooters, run, and walk frequently. In addition, basketball gives you better hand eye coordination and burns calories which keeps you healthy. Hand eye coordination is good for children because it is an important skill to learn for school by allowing kids to perform tasks such as writing, drawing, and grabbing items. These skills are valuable to know on a daily basis.

Basketball is social because you can play basketball with your family and friends. Being social with family and friends is important because it bonds you together, creates happy memories, reduces stress, and boosts self confidence. Reducing stress is important because it relieves health problems and depression. In addition, having a strong self confidence is good because it allows you to create new friendships which brings you many opportunities. 

Basketball is a healthy sport to play because it consists of being active and is social. Basketball creates fun memories while teaching you fundamental skills such as hand eye coordination and improves balance. Therefore, get off your couch and go outside to play basketball because it's a great source of exercise and is a social sport.

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