Essay Sample on Benefits of Regular Exercise

📌Category: Health, Health Care, Sports
📌Words: 741
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 September 2021

Research shows that incorporating physical exercise into your daily routine has both physical and emotional benefits. These benefits include; lower stress, improved mental health and lowered health risks. Exercise is an activity that everyone should participate in; there are many different types of exercises that can help engage any type of person based on their preferences. Physical activity is movement of the body that uses energy, some of the most common physical activities include; walking, cycling, swimming, sports, etc. Throughout our daily lives we often face stressful situations, when I am stressed exercising helps me to get less stress and to help my body stay healthy. 

Stress is an issue that everyone faces; stress is caused when your body is put in an unfamiliar situation and it results in a fight or flight reaction. Stress can be caused by a lot of things; work, school, family, being put in a stressful situation etc. In an article written by the Mayo Clinic, it explains the importance of exercise and how any type of exercise can be beneficial; whether it be walking or playing sports. “Virtually any form of exercise, from aerobics to yoga, can act as a stress reliever” (Mayo Clinic). While performing an exercise your body produces endorphins; a “feel good” hormone which is produced by the brain and nervous system. While exercising, it helps produce better blood flow to your body and brain. This helps your brain function properly and increases the likelihood of your memory and creativity. (Marin Bosch, Blanca). Through evidence it shows the importance of keeping your body at low stress levels and maintaining homeostasis so that your body does not go into overdrive and hurt your health.

Psychologists all over the world have done research on what mental health is and what affects people's mental health. In an article written by the Central Disease Center, explains what mental health is, why our mental health is important. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well- being, if we do not take care of our mental health, we could form a mental illness. “Mental illnesses are conditions that affect a person's thinking, feeling, mood or behavior, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia” (CDC). Our mental health affects how we feel, act and how we relate to things such as stress and everyday factors. Mental illnesses can affect our bodies and put our bodies at a health risk and cause long term diseases such a s heart disease. In a study that was performed by the Mayo Clinic shows significant evidence that shows people who incorporate exercise in their daily lives lowers their stress levels and helps them to relieve stress through exercise. 

Exercise is also important to lower our health risks that our body endurs. Throughout our society, the convenience of fast food and processed food puts our body at a higher health risk. In the United States we have the highest levels of diabetes and worrisome

levels of heart disease. Although the convenience is nice, it is important to put our health first and to be aware of what we consume in our bodies. In a study done by the CDC it shows how exercise can help lower heart disease and essentially help decrease your risk of health issues. 

Growing up exercise was incorporated a lot into my life, I played two sports growing up, soccer and basketball. When I was 13 I tore my ACL and in effect I had to quit playing both soccer and basketball, this caused a huge stress in my life during that time I had to have surgery and I also had to quit the two sports that I love. After a while I decided to start going to the gym and working out consistently, while working out I realized that my body no longer felt as stressed as I once had. Working out and doing exercise also helped me not only physically but emotionally as well; I felt a stress relief, my body felt stronger compared to what it was prior and I felt more confident compared to how I was before working out. It's important to be able to take care of your health and to put both your mental and physical health first. 

Exercise is an important thing to include in your life, that is as easy as taking your dog on a walk. Throughout this research paper it shows the importance of both your mental and physical health and how including exercise helps to maintain good health. Lower stress levels and lower health risks help you to have better mental health and to be able to handle stress better. Inviting a friend or family member also helps to motivate you to keep with the journey and to be able to be more consistent with your health goals.

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