The Effects of Food Stamps on Obesity Argumentative Essay Example

📌Category: Food, Government, Health, Obesity
📌Words: 466
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 August 2022

In recent years, obesity and its associated health issues have become more prominent than ever. While many Americans have been striving to improve their health, citizens utilizing the food stamp program are still allowed to make unhealthy and irresponsible choices about what they eat. This has led many citizens to view the program as an irresponsible waste of taxpayer money which can only be fixed by enforcing stricter regulations on what can be purchased.

One major argument against this claim is that food-stamp users should be free to buy whatever they want, and that limiting what they can buy impedes on their rights. This claim is supported by former Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives, Elliot Naishtat, who says:  “I’m concerned about imposing white middle-class values on low-income people who are focused on doing the best they can to keep food in their children’s stomachs” (Naishtat). This quote brings up the point that food-stamp users already have a hard time finding affordable food, and that by forcing them to be healthy, we are shortening their already barren list of food options. In addition, the quote also introduces the idea that by implementing a food restriction on food stamp users, we are adding another point of conflict between the poor and middle class. 

While this argument is valid and the most correct in some situations, many people believe that the government should be able to control what food-stamp users eat. One person who supports this claim is current Texas Comptroller, Glenn Hegar, who said this: “Obesity-related conditions, including diabetes and heart disease, already cost Texas businesses $9.5 billion a year in lost worker productivity and higher insurance, the state comptroller’s office estimates. Health care costs for obese Texans are 42 percent higher than for normal-weight individuals” (Hegar). This quote brings up important facts that show why food-stamp users must be restricted on what they can buy as to lower the obesity rate of Texas, and America, and in return lessen some of its other health issues. 

In order to appeal to both sides of the argument, the government could impose a limit on the amount of unhealthy food purchased by food-stamp users.These limits would have to be created by law-makers in collaboration with dietitians and could be enforced by tracking what the user has purchased. For example, the government could limit food-stamp users to only being able to purchase one soda beverage when at a restaurant. This would allow food-stamp users to enjoy the same food and beverages as non food-stamp users, but also not allow for extremely unhealthy choices. Another positive side effect of this decision would be that food-stamp users would be encouraged to find a higher paying job and leave the program so that they could return to normal purchasing rights.

In conclusion, we as a country need to enforce stricter mandates on the food that is being purchased by food-stamp users. Not only will this improve our nation’s health, it will also allow for Americans to live happier, more successful lives overall.

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