Essay Sample on The Complications and Relationship Between Weight and Health

📌Category: Health, Human Body
📌Words: 972
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 July 2022

There is nothing wrong with having a bit more mass, a lot of the population sits above the BMI index. With all being said, there is science behind it. Throughout the years many people have thought obesity as being a genetic disorder. Since 2006, various studies and researchers have all concluded the majority of obesity is resulting from surrounding environments and many human factors. That being said, our bodies are a sandbox of their own. To better understand the concept, for years we thought obesity ran in the family. Recent research and studies have allowed us to determine that obesity is an individual problem. Whenever you see McDonald’s advertising a new colossal sized sandwich on TV, just understand it is an elaborate marketing scheme to thicken you up and take your money. Although body weight is a tough subject to tackle there are lots of positives to learning about body weight and how it affects one's overall health. 

The Body Mass Index has been used for years on end to calculate a point on a scale that dictates a weight status. The BMI is found by multiplying weight in pounds by 703 and dividing by height in inches twice. Anyone with a Body Mass Index above 30 is medically considered obese. However there are subcategories under that 25-30 being overweight, 18.5-25 being normal and anything under 18.5 being underweight. Researchers have found environmental variables such as the food that you surround yourself with often contain high amounts of fats. ‘Super-sized’ portions as they were dubbed seem to be a big culprit in factoring obesity along with how quick, easy, and cheap fast food restaurants make it on the customer. Many fast food establishments offer one combo meal that contains the CDCs recommended amount of caloric intake for a given day. Many other variables  play into consideration, such as overall movement, quality of sleep, and calories exerted in a given day that dictates fat gain. On average you should be burning upwards to 1800 calories a day, and in an attempt to cut back in weight 500 more. In the documentary Food Inc, keep in mind that it is the big corporations that control the food market and will get you stuck in an endless cycle of cheap, quick, and unhealthy fast food.

No one likes disease or long term health complications that could bring along an early passing. The list of implications are along the line as follows: early mortality, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, body pain, depression, lack of an ability to move, gallbladder disease, and overall a low quality of life. To prevent these long term side effects of obesity or preventing in its entirety it is exercising. Exercise helps your heart stay strong, makes your body more able to function, improves mental wellbeing, can help control your weight, it will boost your immune system and overall help you live longer. Understanding these benefits as compared to the cons brings us to the idea of living a healthy lifestyle. Not necessarily do you have to become a vegan to live a healthy life instead just steer away from eating fast foods and just about anything with a high fat or sugar content. Perhaps staying active throughout your days is also an idea on the right track, a simple step counter on any smartphone or smart watch would do. A study released in march of this year shows that 78% of hospitalizations due to covid-19 were obease. 50% of patients had a BMI of over 30 and 28% had a BMI of above 25 and less than 30. With these unprecedented times, getting caught up in the emergency room with an already compromised immune system is not the best place to be.

The ideal lifestyle that is presented to you in movies is comedically enough, the way you should live life. Waking up at a decent hour helps with cognitive decline and promotes productivity, eating 3 healthy meals a day also goes a tremendously long way. When it comes to eating it is as simple as not eating junk, Lays, Doritos, Mountain Dew, McDonald’s and Taco Bell as they are not the way to go. Introduce fruits and veggies into the mix, fruit instead of chips, water instead of high fructose fatty sugar sodas. Waking up and having something to do or somewhere to be not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but way of living. Although every job varies, some adults on average burn off a Baconator of calories throughout their daily routines and jobs. To have an active routine that consists of constantly staying active is to have a better long lasting life. When building your routine you should set aside thirty minutes extra time incase of anything arises. Routines do not have to be down to the minute, they have to best suit you and your needs.

The overall benefits of shooting for a healthy life indefinitely outweigh the heavy lifestyle. From better cognitive ability, to thinking better thoughts, to living longer and less health complications, the answer is evident. When it comes to self will power this is the ultimate test, you can be whatever you want to be and be any shape you want to be. Science and numbers do not lie and lying to yourself is lying down the path you have chosen. That being said, everyone wants to live a long and healthy admirable lifestyle. Everyone can be the ideal person in their mind if they set the effort aside and put forth the work. It is very vital to remember that in the end it is your physical health and well being on the line. You could either live life easily and freely, or miserably and stuck. 


Carbajal, E. (2021, March 9). 78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US  overweight or obese, CDC finds. Becker's Hospital Review. Retrieved December 5, 2021, from 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, March 22). Adult obesity causes & consequences. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved December 5, 2021, from 

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2021, September 2). Obesity. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved December 5, 2021, from 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, September 17). The health effects of overweight and obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved December 5, 2021, from

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