Causes of Depression Essay Example

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 630
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 July 2022

Depression. Anxiety. Stress. These heart-wrenching conditions affect millions of innocent lives. Just over 240 million teens go through this everyday, all alone, with no-one to turn to. Loved ones refuse to admit that their children are going through this, supposed “friends” call these diseases fake, and teachers educate their students on these diseases. But, when they come forth, these mature adults disregard them, telling them that they’re “imagining” things, making them feel like their emotions are frivolous. With no support, these young people fall into situations that turn their lives into a tragedy and result in horrible consequences. Long term social isolation, living in an abusive environment or relationship and prolonged work stress are factors that can lead up to depression. 

One vastly common cause of depression is long-term social isolation. Teens who are socially isolated, and withdrawn from communication with others tend to lack the amount of friends they have. This causes them to mentally feel lonely with no one to talk to, causing them to feel depressed. According to studies, young kids and teens who are lacking motivation and encouragement from others around them tend to become companionless and slide into unhealthy habits. Isolation also leads to much higher risks of Dementia, the loss of remembering, thinking, and processing information. Adding on to major effects social isolation can lead to, it also causes suicidal rates to increase  because of depression. People who tend to stay away from others for quite a long time,  develop fear of the society. As they soon get exposed to people, they get anxiety and stress. Too much of these can  conclude in depression. 

Another major cause for depression is living in an abusive environment. About 62.5% of depression amongst people, especially teens is caused from childhood experiences of abusiveness. Teens who are exposed to a place with a lot of barbaric actions seem to be using anxiety, numbness, & agitation as a reaction to this. Opposing physical, mental abuse also affects a person of any age. Belittling, shaming, humiliating, & making negative comparisons severely damage a teen’s or child’s mental health at a very young age. The information indicated represents that mental abuse also causes people to have internal conflicts with themselves and develop depression.  In addition, studies show that kids who have lived in a toxic household and are familiar with a lot of abuse tend to have severe mood disorders. These disorders play a major factor in how teens evolve depression in themselves. As shown, teens living in an environment that negatively abuses their mental and physical health can thoroughly scar them.  

At last, extended work or school stress is another factor of depression. As being at an age where you get homework and other work daily, sometimes teens fail to cope with the amount of work they have. For example, a person in their teenage years possibly has school and other activities out of school. Soon, it is time for them to do the work for multiple things. At this moment they get overwhelmed, and cause high levels of stress and anxiety for themselves. Although the teen has multiple adults and teachers around them, they are in a condition where they are not able to trust anyone, especially themselves. They put extra pressure and stress on themselves, worsening the situation. Continuing these habits of increasing stress shortly creates awful outcomes. Thus, stress caused by prolonged school or work stress causes depression. 

Overall, depression has become very common amongst people of all ages these days. It causes millions of people to ruin their own lives. Teens especially are facing crucial consequences because of this condition. Though hundreds of people are around them, they won’t be able to trust anyone at all. Situations such as socially partitioning, spending an excessive amount of time in an abusive area, and having  lengthened work or school stress all cause people to get depression. Putting in your part to keep yourself and others from facing this can be truly helpful. Always remember if you face any of these causes, give yourself another chance, and another day!

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