Competitive Sports Can Be Unhealthy Essay Sample

📌Category: Health, Sports
📌Words: 567
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 July 2022

Most people have been told a lie at one point or another. For example, competitive sports can be unhealthy. Competitive sports are known for flexibility, less health problems, stronger body, and lower hypertension. They can introduce your body into a healthier state, staying trim, and running your body in a state when in your older stages.

Physical activities are a good way to control your weight and body health. Studies show that if you play competitive sports in your younger or teenage years ,then your life will be healthier in your older ages. Competitive sports can boost your confidence,self esteem, and self motivation. Sports can create a good physical shape while being underway. Ross Perot says “ Most people give up when they’re about to achieve success”(perot). They quit on the one yard line. They give up in the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown.” Larry Brown says “ You have to do something in your life that's honorable  and not cowardly if you are to live in peace with yourself” (Brown).These are very honorable and very motivational quotes made by Larry Brown and Ross Perot (Football players). What can sports do that increases your academic performance?

Physical activities can introduce you to many different skills that aren't commonly known for. Competitive sports can increase your knowledge and improve your academic performance. These things can make you organized, a faster learner, and a quick thinker. Tom Landry says “I didn’t believe in team motivation”(Landry). I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on the field and be prepared to play a good game.” Michael Jordan says “ You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them” (Jordan). These quotes are motivational and inspiring and can show a form of ethos because these 2 people are well-known celebrities. Can sports be harmful and affect someone’s physical or mental appearance?

No they can’t be harmful to anyone’s physical or mental health but the only harmful thing about sports is injuries. Injuries are common among physical sports and could be dangerous.Physical activities are a great way to have enough money financially and in a really healthy way. For example in soccer you would be able to travel around the world for your games, so you would have a great experience in other states, countries, or continents. Most sports can give you an advantage socially, because you would be famous worldwide so that will add to your popularity/reputation. If a socially awkward person decided to turn on his/hers thinking cap and joined a certain sport it can make them healthier, financially better, and being more civilized.

Can’t a life threatening situation or a career ending injury happen during the process of sport activity? Agreed, but you will have a huge investment and be more social and healthy in the process. Couldn't parents push their kids to the limit and make them overwhelmed. I contradict this opinion because this could be the foundation of a new life and a new developed one. Could these kids be pushed around in the process? I sympathize with this statement but they would grow from these current situations.Competitive sports also can have some risks such as getting corona virus from other fans/players, getting a career ending injury, and getting a physical disability. These are ways physical activity can be dangerous for a person. 

Keeping trim without any side effects can result in a fine figure without any disruptions of injuries. Overall physical exercise can lead to better mastery of many different things. This determines that physical activity is the way to remain athletic during the older stages.

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