Essay Sample on Is Milk Healthy?

📌Category: Food, Health
📌Words: 395
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 July 2022

Milk has been a part of everyone's everyday life, whether it is drinking a nice mocha latte or just having a bowl of cereal. Milk has such a rich history, ever since 8000 BCE milk has been around. A lot of people use milk to bake and cook. It’s always been deemed as healthy, especially with byproducts like yogurt or cheese. But there is much controversy in the field of dietitians whether it is healthy or unhealthy. Though others believe milk is unhealthy, milk is healthy because it provides a lot of nutrition and can help overeating.

Milk provides a lot of nutritions. It is important for people to get nutritions for their health, especially kids who are in their prime development. Milk is proven to provide calcium, vitamin D, potassium. As well as nutrients that are proven that a lot of the population does not eat (Kubala). Nutrients are important for a person's health, calcium is much needed in a person's day to day diet; it is helpful in a child's development as well. Milk also provides protein, which your body uses to repair cells in your body ( Which could be super helpful to people who do athletic type activities as well. Milk gives a lot of health benefits to our day to day lives. 

Milk can also prevent overeating. People tend to have issues with over consumption, struggling with being able to calm their appetite down. Milk can help manage appetite since it is high in protein and fat. There are less obesity rates linked to milk, since it is more filling (Kubala).  When more protein-content is consumed, people tend to have less of an appetite to eat. High fat content can reduce the need to eat, instead of the unfulfilling meals (Roussell). Fat-content provided by milk helps with appetite. Milk helps with appetite to prevent over consumption.

Some people disagree that milk is unhealthy because they say it contributes to diseases and obesity. Even though carbohydrates have a lot of negatives, there are alternatives with milk brands that you can find. There is much research of milk actually having the opposite effect like preventing heart disease (Kubala). There are many alternatives as well that are healthier than milk that gives the same effect. Therefore, milk has more pros than cons.

Milk has a lot of health benefits, especially products like yogurt. There are definitely undeniable benefits to it. Despite others may believe that milk is unhealthy, milk is healthy because it provides most of the needed nutrition for one's body and can help with overeating.

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