Essay Sample on Anxiety and Depressions

📌Category: Disorders, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 480
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

Many individuals suffer from the horrible challenges of anxiety and depression.

There are many causes, but there are treatments and the do require patience. Some types of anxiety and depressions that occur in the brain due to problems in their life, and can happen at any age, are panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and major/persistent depressive disorder.

A type of anxiety is panic disorder, it is repeated panic attacks which leads into constant worry and avoidance of behavior in attempt to prevent situations that could spark an attack.

The symptoms are distress (shortness of breath), perspiration, and trembling. Some causes are adapting more slowly to events, having an unresolved childhood, and unconscious conflicts. Behavioral physiologists had said, "Anxiety is a learned response to a stimulus or situation." (Brehm, "Anxiety", Page 17) So, panic attacks can happen suddenly, but to stop it from happening there are some treatments. For example, you could do therapy. There are many different types of therapies, such as cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and pharmacotherapy. You could simply discuss your fears with people you trust, but if it is happening constantly, you may have to see a professional counselor. If a panic attack happens, you may not need therapy, because this can happen to anyone.

A type of depression is called bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which the person experiences an alteration of normal feelings or depression. Some symptoms are being delusional, hallucinating, and depression. Some causes are that it might be inherited and is linked to chromosome eleven. "It tends to appear before the age of forty, because

young children don't show any signs, but you can see a difference in adults and teenagers." (Rue, "Bipolar Disorder", Page 15) So, it happens before the age of forty, so when you first see the signs, you should treat it. Some treatments are, long term therapy, psychotherapy, a combination of medicines, drugs, and social support. During the depression phase, hospitalization is needed. There are a lot of cures for bipolar.

Another type of depression is major and persistent disorder. Major depressive disorder, MDD, is persistent sadness and loss of interest. It affects how you feel and think. Persistent depressive disorder, PDD, is a continuous long form of depression. You may feel hopeless

and excessively sad. Some symptoms for both are loss of interest, hopelessness, low self-esteem, anger, overreacting, and sleep problems. Some causes are, biological differences; changes in the brain, brain chemistry, depression hormones, and could be inherited. There are treatments for this type of depression. Professionals say, "Reach out to your family and friends, and share your problems." (Britannica School, "Panic Disorder") It's a good idea to share your problems so you can get it off your chest and have ideas on how to prevent these problems. You should also take steps to control stress and get treatment at the earliest sign of problem. So, major and persistent depressive disorder can be cured.

There are many types of anxiety and depressions, and a few of them are panic disorders, bipolar disorder, and major and persistent depressive disorder. These horrible challenges luckily have cures, but you must take action at the right time.

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