Argumentative Essay On Organ Donation

📌Category: Health, Human Body
📌Words: 419
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 June 2021

Dying is one of the last thing you will ever do. When it happens, and if your body is in good shape, your family will have an important choice to make, which is whether you give your organs and tissues or not. Some people that it is not a good thing, which brings the dilemma of what to do with your organs after you passed. The oblivious answer is, of course, to donate them. 

To begin with, donating your organs and tissues can save lives. It is probably an argument that you have heard before, but it is the truth. In fact, donating your (or someone else’s) organs/tissues, like kidneys or skin, could benefit a lot of people. For example, the organs of Stephanie Tapp, a young woman who died following a car accident, saved four people. On top of that, only one person’s organs can save about eight lives and can bring back to health 20 people or so. It only proves that something good can come out of something tragic.  

In addition, if someone dies and their body is in good shape, making the choice of not donating their organs and/or tissues is like wasting an opportunity to save someone. In fact, by the law, you are “obligated” to help if someone is dying in front of you. Should it not be the same thing for organ and tissue donation? Furthermore, there is not a good reason to not wanting to donate your organs without appearing selfish. For instance, there is a misconception on the fact that religious people cannot donate their organs, which is far from the truth. Not only that, but it’s only about one percent of the population whose body is in good enough shape to donate their organs. Wasting the chance to help someone is a bit sad when you think about it. 

Moreover, people should donate their organs and tissues when they die because it is good for their conscience. In fact, even if it sounds selfish, knowing that you did something good, even in your death, can make you feel better about yourself. For example, the mother of Vincent Béland-Morissette, who died following a climbing accident, assured that she is happy for the five people who were saved with her son’s organs and tissues. Keep in mind that if you cannot do it for others, do it for yourself. 

In conclusion, people should give their organs upon their death because it can save lives, it is a waste of organs and tissues and that it is good for their conscience. Signing your health insurance card and talking about it to your family do not take a lot of effort, so do it.

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