The Problem of Cancer in Japan Essay Example

📌Category: Cancer, Health, Japan, World
📌Words: 1353
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 05 September 2021

Japan is a cancer hotspot. It is said that one in two Japanese people will get cancer during their life. Finland and Japan have about the same number of patients who have cancer. However, they are differences in terms of notification systems and the number of people undergoing cancer testing. Japan should adopt a consistent inspection system about cancer, and allow or more people to be tested in line with Finland’s treatment disease. 

According to data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare [2019], malignant neoplasms or tumors are the leading cause of death in both men and women. Malignant neoplasms cause more than 25% of Japanese death. Malignant neoplasms are tumors that develop in the body and are harmful to the body, such as cancer. Bad lifestyles are not the only reason this has increased as a reason for death. 25% of Japanese death is related to the fact that the number of people diagnosed with cancer has increased due to testing technology, and the technology for treating diseases other than cancer has improved. National Cancer Center (NCC) says that one in two Japanese people have cancer in their life. [NCC, 2021] Cancer is close to our healthy life. However, all cancer do not have similar incidents of occurring and there is a significant gap depending on the type and age of cancer. According to the statistics of the cancer screening consultation rate of the NCC [NCC, 2019], the number of people undergoing cancer screening is increasing from 2010 to 2019.

For example, in Japan, due to better tech, the diagnostic rate of colorectal cancer screening has been increasing by 19.7 percent for men and 17 percent for women between 2010 and 2019. However, there is a more attractive rate in that graph. The rate of breast cancer screening increased by 8.3 percent between 2010 and 2019. In addition, the rate of cervical cancer screening increased by 6 percent between 2010 and 2019. What should be noted is the rate of breast and cervical cancer. For these cancers, early detection is essential in particular because it is useful for appropriate treatment to diagnose what stage do you have.

Cancer has five stages, depending on the size of cancer and where it spreads in the body. The most serve stage is stage 4. It indicates that cancer has spread to the bones and lungs. Compared to stage 1 and stage 2, the 5-year survival rate is about 70% lower. [NCC, 2019] The 5-year survival rate for stage 4 of cervical cancer is under 15%. [National Cancer Institute, 2002] So, early inspection is critical. Although its inspection rate is increasing, it is below 50 percent. This is a very low rate. This situation cannot be overlooked. Japan has many patients with cancer but there is not enough cancer inspection system. On the other hand, Finland has a very high rate of receiving screening for women’s cancers such as breast cancer and cervical cancer. 

Differences between Finland and Japan are system about notification systems and the number of people undergoing cancer screening. That is also the reason why Finland has a high cancer screening rate. In Japan, people do not get the opportunity that can screen cancer forcibly. Also, in Japan, cancer screening may be taken along with the annual medical examination, but the result of the medical examination is late until we get it. Also, even if there are items that need to be re-examined, you will have to apply for a new one by yourself. Like that, the Japanese system of cancer has the aspect that is left to the individual. However, Finland has hospitals that can do screening, treatment, and follow-up. 

For example, there is Docrates Cancer Center. It begins with the vision of oncologist [Docrates Cancer Center, 2021] Timo Joensuu and provides immediate treatment to patients and helping patients return to their normal lives. Their specialty is three. It is the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of cancer diseases. [Docrates Cancer Center, 2021] For diagnosis, they use the so-called hybrid method, which combines SPECT / PET images and CT images. And doctors who specialize in these pictures in the same team. In Japan, even if you are in the same building, taking an image and diagnosing it is done by another department. Diagnosis is made by a team that includes oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and nurses. Cancer treatment has a great impact on a person's life, so a personalized treatment plan should be created. The Docrates Cancer Center reserves 1 hour and 30 minutes on the first appointment. This is the time to gather information to create a convincing treatment for the patient and his family about cancer, a life-changing illness. The patient and his family will be given a phone number to call the treatment team so they can be consulted at any time. [C.VAN WIJK] In addition, since various specialists are residents, treatment can be started as soon as the patient's condition can be treated. 

Finland collects and statistics dates of all over the country. It is a strong point of Finland. Compiling data will eliminate notification leaks and increase receiving screening. Finland has a consistent inspection and it triggered women to undergo breast cancer screening. The system of inspection is to invite women who are from 30-year-old to 60-year-old participate in cervical cancer. [Finnish Cancer Registry, 2021]Then, that date is managed by Finnish Cancer Registry. [Finnish Cancer Registry, 2021] It has collected cervical cancer screening data since 1963 and breast cancer screening data since 1987. The rate of breast cancer screening consultation is 82.6 %. Also, the rate of cervical cancer screening consultation is 70.5%. [Finnish Cancer Registry, 2021] These are very high rates comparing with Japan. Finnish Cancer Registry aims “to assess the causes and impacts of cancer burden and the effectiveness of cancer screening programs in the population.” [Finnish Cancer Registry, 2021] The reason why Finnish Cancer Registry could take people for cancer screening is to notice people from the same organization like Finish Cancer Registry. To do so, an organization that manages people to take screening can know the information of patients such as results of screening, a notice of rescreening, what kinds of treatment they need easily. 

Japan also does a cancer registry. [T.SOBUE, 2013] Based on the Cancer Registration Law that came into effect in 2016, Japan collects data on cancer by each prefecture and hospital. [NCC Center for Cancer Control and Information Services, 2020] The characteristic of cancer registration in Japan is that prefectures take the lead, and the national government provides support. It took about 60 years for this system to spread throughout Japan. Japan not only has not collected a valuable 60 years' worth of data, but we also have less time to spend on analysis. One of the reasons why it took so long to spread is the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” that came into effect on April 1, 2005. Until then, cancer registries had not been fully explained to patients. There was an idea that it would not be necessary to confess all the mentally burdensome announcements of cancer to the family or the patient himself. Due to this idea, sufficient explanation was not given when registering personal information such as patient's name, disease name, and life or death. This is an exception to the "Guidelines for Proper Handling of Personal Information by Medical / Nursing Care Business Operators" created in 2004. Since then, each region has produced guidelines, and cancer registration has been promoted to this day in a way that adheres to them. 

On the other hand, Finland manages to require cancer registration for a nation. [T.SOBUE, 2013]There are two ways. One is to have each medical institution fill out the form as in Japan. The organization that registers cancer sends an entry form to each medical institution, and each medical institution diagnoses and fills out the form. The other is to send an investigator from the cancer registration institution to fill out the form. [T.SOBUE, 2013] However, the first method is mainstream because of the labor cost. The consent form is not necessary but it needs to describe for patients by Social Agency. Also,  Finland maintains a high rate of consultations due to nationwide data collection and mandatory registration.

Japan should adopt a consistent inspection system about cancer, and allow or more people to be tested in line with Finland’s treatment disease. Finland is promoting cancer screening by making screening mandatory and managing data collectively. There is an organization where data can be aggregated on a nationwide scale, and from inspections to rehabilitation, it can be performed at the same facility. Despite being a cancer hotspot, Japan has a screening rate of about 60%. Early detection increases survival so the Japanese system should be reviewed even if the Japanese system has been improved.

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