Corn Fed vs. Grass Fed Beef Essay Example

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 381
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 August 2022

Beef, the meat that comes from cows. Some of them are healthier than others. Why? The Cause is because of what they eat. If a cow eats grass it is healthier than a cow that eats meat. Not only that, but it is also healthier for the consumer, and it makes a more sustainable system. This means that we should be eating grass-fed beef instead of corn-fed. 

Grass-fed beef is healthier for consumers. In the book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” it states that, “Green grass has massive quantities of beta-carotene, vitamin E, and folic acid, these natural chemicals are important for a healthy diet.” This means that grass-fed cows are getting vitamins from grass that corn-fed cows do not get. This is important because the vitamins that the cows get are in their meat which we eat. So, we are also getting a healthier option. There is also a chance of getting fewer diseases if you eat grass-fed beef. 

Another reason you should consider eating grass-fed beef is because it is better for our farms and is a more sustainable food system. A point stated in the book is, "When a cow eats grass it doesn’t kill the plant. Grasses have evolved so that they can survive being eaten very well. The animal also spreads grass seed, plants it with his hooves, and then fertilizes it with his manure.” This means that not only is it making a healthy food source but is also replanting the grass. This is important because it tells us that it is helping the environment while also helping us get important vitamins that we don’t get from corn-fed. 

Some people might argue that it is too hard to obtain in some cases. Normally this type of meat is only found in stores specializing in organic food. A simple solution that we could use is start putting this food in normal supermarkets. Also, even if we do not make it easier to acquire it is still better to spend a little more time so that we can eat healthily. 

Overall, there are a lot of advantages to eating grass-fed beef than corn-fed. It is healthier for us because it gives us vitamins. It also makes a more sustainable food system because the cows replant the grass that they eat. It might be hard to obtain, but we could change that by putting in normal supermarkets if enough people agree to it. There is no reason to not eat grass-fed beef!

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