Essay Sample about Buffalo Wild Wings

đź“ŚCategory: Business, Food
đź“ŚWords: 368
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 30 July 2022

Buffalo Wild Wings is a restaurant where you sit, their is most likely going to be a T.V. sitting right in front of where you are sitting. Buffalo Wild Wings has a variety of different locations in the United States but the specific location I am talking about is the Buffalo Wild Wings located off Orchard Road, in Aurora, Illinois. This certain Buffalo Wild Wings has been around for 10 years, and what you will see in the area are multiple different restaurants and some different stores. 

The last time I went there, my family took it to go, but the last time I walked in there, you would walk in, and a server would greet you, and give you a table (you may have to wait though). At the table I sat at, there were multiple TVs, right above me, with sporting events such as baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf, and more. 

If you are a first-timer going to Buffalo Wild Wings (it does not have to be this certain one), options on the menu you should eat are Chicken wings or tenders, burgers such as All American CheeseBurger, or Buffalo Bleu Burger, and many more options of burgers. Another option you can choose from is appetizers. Some of the appetizers include Mozzarella Sticks, Chips, Fried Pickles, Ultimate Nachos, and more. If I was ordering, my option is the Chicken Tenders, because they are very crispy and if you put them in ketchup, for example, it is very great. The prices at Buffalo Wild Wings are the average price as if you would go to a normal restaurant. The prices may seem a bit higher than you think but what you're getting is worth it. 

When you are getting seated, there will be people coming to serve you. The service is what a normal restaurant would be. The service at times may be quick or may be slower than usual. The service just depends on how many people are in Buffalo Wild Wings at the time.   

In conclusion, Buffalo Wild Wings has a variety of locations in the United States, the food at Buffalo Wild Wings has there own variety of options such as Chicken Wings/Tenders, burgers, and appetizers that you can eat, and the service is what a normal restaurant would be, fast or slow, it depends on how many people are eating there.

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