ALCOA Aluminum Advertisement Analysis Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Advertising, Business, Marketing
đź“ŚWords: 644
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 08 August 2022

The advertisement “ALCOA Aluminum” effectively sells their product to women consumers who want to become independent. The ALCOA advertisement uses colors to intensify the meaning. This advertisement also utilizes the fact that in this time period women wanted to be independent by using strong word usage proving  that women can be strong with this product. The woman on the advertisement uses an excited facial expression to make her appear to be independent and proud.  ALCOA effectively sells their product by appealing to the female audience; The aluminum ad uses the colors green,yellow,and red to express power, intelligence, and growth. Unfortunately, while connecting to women they also show sexism by stating the product is what makes women independent and strong.

In the ad ALCOA effectively sells their product to women by suggesting that with this aluminum they can be independent and they will have no need for a knife or a husband.The aluminum advertisement shows that women who do not use the product are weak and cannot do activities on their own. The ad writes “ Easily- without a knife blade, a bottle opener, or even a husband” This wording is proving that the advertisement is claiming that women are weak.

 The aluiminum ad is showing sexim by using the phrase “ You Mean A Woman Can Open It” these words on the ad are showing that women are too weak to open normal packaging without ALCOA. The examples above are proving that the ad is sexist because it is inferring that without their aluminum women are weak and need men to help with tasks. 

The advertisement uses bright colors to catch the consumers attention and to make them want to buy their product. The colors used in the advertisement displays growth and power in order to help the buyers to want to buy the product so they can feel powerful as well. When customers see the ad they will see the colors and become inclined to read it. The woman that is placed on the ad has an excited facial expression to show that she feels strong. When the customers see her face they will want to feel the same way. ALCOA wants the buyers to be drawn towards the advertisement so customers want to buy it. The examples are showing that ALCOA wants the customers to see the colors and the woman's face so they can be drawn to the ad and then look at the product and want to buy it.

 If the genders were reversed it would show that men are weak and women are strong and independent. The ad has a woman opening a bottle of ketchup and showing that the aluminum makes her strong and without it she was weak. If it changes gender roles it could show that men were not the only strong ones; they would be “weak” and would need help. The buyers would shift from appealing to the females and go straight to men wanting to be independent. If the males saw the ad they would understand that they can be strong and powerful with the product. With changing the roles ALCOA would make men want to be strong and could make women see that men can also be seen as weak and less powerful without certain products.

ALCOA successfully sells aluminum by engaging the female audience; The ad expresses  power, intelligence, and growth. While appealing to women they also use sexist tactics by stating without this aluminum women are weak and dependent on men. The advertisement uses phrases to convince the customers to buy the product in order to be powerful and not need a man. ALCOA uses bright colors to catch the attention of customers so they will be drawn to the colors and read the ad. With changing the gender roles ALCOA will show buyers that men can be just as weak and dependent as women. ALCOA sells their product effectively by using convincing phrases, bright eye-catching colors. If they changed the gender roles they could have sold more products to show that women and men are the same and there are times that men are weak and need help.

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