Essay Sample on Why Apple is the Greatest Company

📌Category: Business, Corporation
📌Words: 762
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

Apple is a great company because I said so. No, I am just joking. I think it is so great for many reasons. The ones I am going to cover are history, brand marketing, consumers and user interface, evolution, how they advertise products. These are the main ideas I am going to cover and talk about. Now before I get to the good stuff I will go over the bad. During the 90’s when Apple didn’t have Steve Jobs they were making some weird things like cameras and they almost went bankrupt. So now we have the bad times behind us, let's get to the good stuff.

Apple was founded on April 1st 1976 in Los Altos. And this is not an April fools joke. The two co-founders of the company were Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Jobs was the businessman and Wozniak was the engineer. Their first product was the Apple 1 which was a computer with a very ingenuitive name. They made the apple 2 and then their first true big hit in 1984, the Macintosh 128k. 128k stood for the amount of memory that was in the machine. In 1985 Steve Jobs left apple. That is when Apple didn’t do too well and they made products nobody will really remember. In 1997 they almost went out of business. It was that bad. And that same year Jobs came back. And in 1998 the amazing iMac was released and it sold very well. About 230,000 units were sold in the first 6 weeks. That is a lot. Then in 2001 Steve Jobs used the momentum Gained from the iMac and made the iPod. And everyone knows what that is. Then in 2007 they introduced the good old iPhone. And so on like with Airpods and the Apple Watch. That is a brief history of Apple and some of their products. 

The next talking point is the user interface and how they treat their consumers. Apple has always had a relatively good user interface like using an iPhone for the first time or even opening an Apple product. It is so satisfying to open an iPhone, the box is just so nice. Another is pairing airpods, you just open the case and boom they are paired with your phone with a few button clicks. And almost everyone who has one usually says that using an iphone is a very nice experience. Apple has always done their best to make it as easy for the user as possible. Also Apple has one of the most loyal consumer groups out there. Once an Apple consumer, always an Apple consumer. And Apple really cares about the consumer and not about them. They are simple and they plan that the product sells itself, and it does. Like the airpods, people would buy airpods and then people saw that and they wanted it. Now so many people have airpods. Everyone knows what they are. The user interface is designed to be in sync with all the apple products someone owns. I am going back to airpods but if someone is playing a video on their iphone and then starts playing a song on their mac then it will pause their phone and do the mac. The user interface is also very clean compared to the competition.

 How they advertise products is another good talking point about why Apple is so great. Like I said with airpods and how they sell they make the product sell itself. How they focus on simplicity is stated no better than their logo. A simple apple with a bite out of it. That is it. No other things. Back to their products they innovate. Like I said, the mouse which was not made by Apple but it became popular through the macintosh. Smartphones, Apple made the first one and it snowballed from there. Wireless earbuds existed but they had to have wire in between them and Apple made the first true wireless earbuds. When apple advertises a product it shows simplicity and hides all the stats for nerds and focuses less on numbers. They also exist in their own universe. I say this because when they talk about a new phone they say how it is better than their old phone. They almost never talk about their competitors. That is the final talking point I have on why Apple is so great.

That is a conclusion of why I think Apple is so great. I am going to keep this last part short for you. Apple obviously didn’t have much at the start but now it is the most profitable company on Earth. A lot of their success is usually with Steve Jobs, the greatest man on Earth, with the marketing behind it. And they really used their consumers to help them get off the ground. Hopefully this shows how Apple is the greatest company on Earth.

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