Relationships Between Clothing Styles and Developments in Cloth Creations (Essay Example)

📌Category: Business, Fashion, Industry
📌Words: 501
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Clothing styles have gone a long way from different centuries. Of course with new clothing styles there would have to be some new way of making cloth to keep up with the demand of these new clothes. This informational essay will cover clothing styles and the development of cloth creation. The 3 main factors that will be presented in this essay will be Clothing styles, Cloth creation and how are cloth creation and cloth styles related 

Firsty, Cloth styles are very different all around the world in different cultures and in different parts of the world people have their own Cloth styles. Cloth styles have come a long way from hundreds of years ago due to more advanced creation and more advanced technology. According to Ready-Made Clothing it states “ At the outset of the Civil war, most uniforms were custom-made in worker’s homes under government contract.” The reason I think this evidence contributes to cloth style was because back in the days of the years 1920-1970 cloth creations were very limited and this piece of evidence shows just how limited cloth was back then. When the government hired people to make their troops uniforms from their home it can show that cloth creation wasn’t very easy to make. The more technology advanced we became the more designs that could be available to us using more articatal materials and technology.

Secondly, The advancement of cloth creation. Cloth creation wasn't as easy as everyone thinks it used to be. Cloth creation is still advancing till today and it won't be stopping anytime as everyone knows it today. We all know the cloth we wear is from technology and advanced robots in factories that produced the cloth we wear. In older times cloth production was a challenge. Cloth was a lot more expensive due to the fact it had to be handmade causing more materials to be used.  According to Tailoring it states “For the most part,families made their own clothing by hand from fabric they made or purchased locally”. When clothes are sold from local marketers most of the time it will be very expensive due to the very high amount of time it takes to make an item. The lower the production of an item the more expensive it will be because a lot more people want it causing high demand.

Thirdly, how are cloth styles and developments in cloth creation related? Well they're not exactly related but they both connect off each other. With higher Cloth productions clothing styles will change because there would be many more cloth options on the market so many people can find their own unique style of clothing. According to Advancements In Modern Clothing written by Anthony Kazajian it states. “Rapid advancements in computer technology during the late 20th and early 21th century gave today's fashion designers unprecedented freedom to express their creativity”. The more technolal the world gets the more cloth production would increase causing people to use their full mind to make more cloth styles .

In Conclusion Relationships between clothing styles and developments in cloth creations can be correlated to many things including the background to clothing styles and cloth creation ending off on how they are related and how they tie to each other.

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