The Role of Social Media in Businesses Research Paper Example

📌Category: Business, Entertainment, Marketing, Social Media
📌Words: 604
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Let’s talk about social media as it grew in the business world. Wow the world has changed since the 1960’s. In the 1960’s advertising was in newspapers, billboards, radio and televisions. But now just click social media and boom ads and more. It’s shocking but social media ranks number one over other web activities. Even the younger generations are agreeing. When Facebook started in 2004, social media advertising has been on the rise ever since. Most of millennials my age and up are on some sort of social media in 2022. Thought the years after the internet was created social media has took the standard for business advertisement. Did you know that Facebook reached over 200 million users in less than a year (Dodggers 2017)? In this section I am going to talk about how social media has impacted the business world since its start. The first thing is to show people what your business is and what you have to offer for the community. If other businesses can thrive on social media, why shouldn't you? Increasing brand awareness is one of the main reasons for using social media for business (Contributor2021).The second thing to help your business on social media is pushing new customers to your website thought social media. Social media statistics show that 93% of marketers with social media sites report that social media activity has increased website traffic. And 82% said their social media activity increased their sales. Additionally, 67% of marketers with blogging networks said these initiatives have increased sales(Contributor2021). If you have a big budget, give most of it to Facebook and Twitter. Facebook reaches more users than ever in emerging markets (Asia and Africa), and Twitter ads can reach audiences based on location, interests, keywords and more(Contributor2021). The Third thing that well help your business on social media is keeping your customers loyalty. When businesses integrate social media into their customer relationship management (CRM) systems, they can gain valuable insights into customer needs and behavior as well as how they consume products or services. As a result, businesses can tailor the customer experience to the level of uniqueness that individual customers deserve. This is a great way to increase loyalty and retain existing customers. When interacting with customers through social networking sites, remember to keep responses short and conscientious. Don't pretend to be someone else. Instead, respond honestly and professionally to the guest's question or point of view(Contributor2021).The last and final thing to help your business is getting new leads and customers. Businesses around the world are investing in social media because social media is the best way to gather business intelligence. Social media helps you find the right customers for your business by identifying your target market(Contributor2021). Did you already know that 92% of groups pronounced making an investment in A.I and system mastering era closing year? Among the ones A.I. tools, social listening has piqued hobby and is anticipated to advantage even extra traction this year. It will open formerly closed doorways to significant conversations and supply perception into what clients are announcing and wherein they`re announcing it.90% of clients admit to the usage of social media to talk with a logo or business. But most effective 8% of them conform to obtain terrific customer support. Pair this with the reality that almost all social media customers assume a reaction from you in the equal day they pose a question, and it`s smooth to look how social listening paves the manner for advanced customer support. But the use instances for social listening go beyond customer support and popularity management (Crowe). In the end social media has really changed the business game. As far as marketing and advertisement. Social media has brought the consumer a little closer to the business aspect in marketing. Social media can be good and bad for your business. But if you offer good customer service and a good quality product you will be just fine.

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