Positive Working Environment For Employees

📌Category: Business, Human resource management, Leadership, Management, Workforce
📌Words: 607
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 14 April 2021

Establishing a positive work environment and building positive morale is the key to having employees who are not just there to clock in and out but to be part of a successful organization. When employee production and morale are at a decrease, this is when the success of an organization can be placed in jeopardy. As the leader, one’s responsibility is to create a space where everyone is confident to perform at their best and not allow for morals and performance to take a negative turn. 

When employees are tasked to perform their daily job, they will either perform them effectively or ineffectively, show up for work on time, and not take advantage of longer breaks and lunches. These situations can only be made worse when no one is being held responsible for their negative actions or be rewarded for the positive actions. As a leader we will need to hold those individuals accountable. Morale is when one knows the right and wrong ways they should conduct themselves professionally and personally (Regan, 2020). When morale takes a negative hit within the workplace, it can take a negative toll on the organization itself. As the new leader you are responsible for bringing positive morale back.  First step is to have a meeting with all employees to address the issues at hand such as work expectations are not being met and there is abuse of the organizations policies. Communication plays a huge role for both sides since positive and negative feedback will be given. But with this information being made aware to all, this is when key elements that need to be improved on will be pointed out. 

By having a group meeting, there is no one specific individual being called out on the policies not followed. In the group meetings is when educational and training materials such as free webinars, seminars, and handouts. Starting over means everyone can have an understanding of company policies, a written copy given to them, and give them a chance to ask questions whether in the group or individually. What is expected of each employee will be made known of what their performance levels should be that includes their job duties, what is considered effective and what type of quality is expected. When discussing these policies with each employee, they should also be told how valuable they are to the organization. Performance investigations can be done to see what maybe causing an individual to not be performing at their best.  Rewards or compensation can be given so that employees will know that the hard work they are performing will not go unnoticed. It’s important to understand what the issues are in order to best tackle them and give them a chance for improvement. Trying to cover up issues with “quick-fix” solutions won’t help in the long-run (Ciner, 2019). 

Performance reviews should be given to employees so that they can see if they are improving or if they are showing signs of not wanting to improve. These reviews can also show where there is room for improvement and should be goal oriented.  Being able to implement best practices for the enhancements for quality and productivity can make a big difference.  These reviews can also show room where growth can be made. Depending on these outcomes there can be consequences to these actions., such actions can result in suspension or termination. One way that leaders can help with these evaluations is by having team members fill out anonymous peer reviews. These reviews can help leaders to see other perspectives of each other. Typically, these are from those who work side by side with each other. 

Being a leader within a new organization brings new challenges but also gives you the opportunity to set the tone for a happier, healthier workplace environment. Employees should be given the opportunity to express their ideas that can help them take ownership of their environment, culture, and physical space.

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