Business Problem Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Business
📌Words: 425
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 July 2022

The purpose of this paper is to inform my supervisor about an ongoing problem at SUB180’s Boca Raton office. In the last few months, many of our employees have been complaining about how the office is too small. This paper will examine the symptoms of the problem, explore the effects on the company, and determine the causes of the increased employee complaints.


The most notable symptoms of the problem are (1) the noise level in the office is too loud, (2) there are desks all over the place, and (3) Covid-19 has spread throughout our coworkers.


The most obvious effect of our current office arrangement is the appearance of unprofessionalism. During client calls there is often noise in the background, distracting clients with the important information we are trying to give them. There are instances 3-5 times a week of an employee asking others to be quiet because their client cannot hear them on the phone.

But it’s not only the loudness that is a problem; the office also looks messy with the desk arrangement. There have been many times when potential new clients take a tour of our office and comment how the employees are ‘packed like sardines ’. This also gives clients the appearance of unprofessionalism which can turn away new customers.

The last point and possibly the most important is the office has had to close temporarily because of the spread of Covid-19. Our desks are not 6 feet apart and it is not even possible due to the number of employees we have. This has led to the office shutting down for at least a week three separate times in the past 12 months.


The main reason we are having these issues is that we have had many new hires within the last 12 months. The Boca Raton office has been growing quickly, with the hiring of over 10 new employees in 2021. That is a 40% increase of employees which has resulted in an office that has reached max capacity. We had to order more desks to accommodate the new workers, but it has only made the new office arrangement look unprofessional and messy. There is also the surging number of Covid-19 cases spreading across Florida, without taking any office safety procedures. This has created a health safety hazard that turns one Covid-19 case into many, shutting down the office.


SUB180’s Boca Raton office’s lack of space is hurting the growth of the company. All the small issues are adding up and costing the company money because of how loud the office is, how messy the desks look, as well as how fast Covid-19 spreads to our employees. I am willing to provide more research into this problem and provide a few possible solutions if requested.

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