Argumentative Essay Example on Genetically Engineered Foods

đź“ŚCategory: Food, GMO
đź“ŚWords: 535
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 28 July 2022

The world of food is constantly changing, with new recipes, new varieties, and especially a lot of new farming techniques. Even scientists are starting to experiment with different plants and vegetables, and seeing how they can improve them. A lot of people are against scientists getting into the world of food, and some people approve of what the scientists are doing. An example of this is GE, or genetic engineering, which is modifying genes inside of the plants. In these passages, we will be talking about how genetically engineered plants could be harmful and dangerous to us, and the environment. People should avoid genetically engineered foods for multiple reasons.

First of all, genetically engineered foods are produced in a very unnatural way, and is not very true to how nature produces healthy foods. According to the passages, high tech methods are used to put genes inside the plant instead of altering it through cross pollination. (S2P8) This essentially means the plan is man-made, which can make most suspicious due to the chemicals they put inside of the plant. Also, when genetically engineered plants breed, they can spread beyond their fields, which can be dangerous for other crops. When they escape their fields, scientists can put a chemical to restrict them, but these chemicals are very bad for the environment. (S1P5) This evidence proves that if scientists have a hard time trying to make fruits healthier, they should spend more time on it before releasing the GE plants in stores. There would be less harm done to the environment if they had observed how it grows and how it reproduces for a longer amount of time.

Secondly in why GE foods should be avoided is there may be no health benefits to these foods at all. According to the text, the main benefit that GE foods has is for its companies that hold intellectual property over the seeds and the crop produced by the seeds. (S3P13) Some GE foods have more of a increased taste over nutritional content, or it's the other way around.  Some GE foods have more health benefits than a normal fruit! However, due to all the chemicals they put in it, there is a chance to get sick by it.  Which is why people ask for a label on genetically engineered foods so they can avoid the health risks that come with it, some states still deny this law. This evidence may prove that GE food companies want people to unknowingly buy their products without knowing the side effects. Some farmers support GE products ,yet they are banned in other countries. The reasons why famers like GE foods so much is because they can produce crops at a faster pace than they could before. More crops equals more food in stores, which equals to more money for the farmers. The farmers like the speeds at which they can produce food and get more money from it. However, the farmers may not know the side effects that can occur.

Due to the unnatural ways GE foods are produced, and how they may not have health benefits, GE foods are best to avoid. Scientists definitely should look more into the world of food and crops as they can actually help people, but maybe not in a way in which you inject genes into the foods. Maybe the next time you go to the store, you should ask food expert if the foods are genetically modified!

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