Essay Sample on Multivitamins During Pregnancy Good or Bad?

đź“ŚCategory: Health, Reproductive health
đź“ŚWords: 402
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 01 August 2022

As well all know, there are six steps in the scientific method. Step one- Make an observation; you have to choose a topic to study; everyone needs a place to start. Step two- Ask a question. A researcher must make an educated guess or a hypothesis about the relationship between one or more variables. Step Three-Test your Hypothesis and collect data. Once the researcher has a solid theory, they must test it. When you try it, you must collect the data. Step four- Examine the results and conclude. Once the test has been done and the data has been collected, it’s time to examine the information and finish. Step five- Report your results. Now it’s time to tell everyone what you have found. Please write an article and publish it. The scientific method was made to try and disprove a hypothesis. 

They were starting the steps of the scientific method of this article. The researcher made an observation. The observation was that women who take multivitamins during pregnancy have fewer babies with autism. Step number two, the hypothesis, according to new research, “So an international research team set out to assess whether nutrient supplementation during pregnancy is associated with reduced risk of ASD, with and without intellectual disability” (Science Daily, 2017). The hypothesis states that women who take multivitamins during pregnancy have less of a risk of having babies with ASD. In step three, they had to test their idea and conduct a study. In research from Science Daily (2017), “They applied three analytical methods to a sample of 273,107 mother-child pairs living in Stockholm, Sweden. The sample was restricted to children who were 4 to 15 years of age by December 31, 2011 and was born between 1996 and 2007.” Step four is collecting the results and concluding. The researchers discovered that taking multivitamins, with or without iron and folic acid, was linked to a decreased risk of child ASD with intellectual disability compared to moms who did not take folic acid, iron, or multivitamins (Science Daily, 2017). Step five is reporting all the results. The results were posted in an article in the Science Daily and

This article relates to me. No, I am not pregnant, but my mother-in-law has two kids. My husband and his brother. They are six years apart, and his little brother has autism. His mother didn’t do anything different with either of her pregnancies. She took care of her body, and she took her multivitamins. I believe that this article is relevant to women who are pregnant or want to do more research before they get pregnant.

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