Research Paper Example: Mental Health and Mental Disorder

📌Category: Disorders, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 488
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022


CDC defines Mental health indicate to our psychological, emotional, and social well-being. Mental health helps to determine how we treat stress and make healthy choices. Mental health is the basis for each phase of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood (CDC, 2021). Mental health problems can affect everyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious background. Mental health problems are more prevalent in young because they are constantly struggling with stress and managing mechanisms (CDC, 2021).    The goal of this literature review is to establish familiarity with and understanding of common mental health problems, to determine what exists in the scholarly literature, and to identify possible gaps in the scholarly literature for further research.

According to a study conducted on Minnesota student surveys from 2016 to 2019, descriptive statistical analyses using pooled data show that having a high adverse childhood experience and a low asset has a positive relationship with the prevalence of depressive symptoms. As the article describes, in 2019, approximately 22% of adolescents exhibited depressive symptoms in Minnesota. Almost 8% and 4% of Minnesota adolescents in 2019 reported few developmental assets and high adverse childhood experiences, respectively. This article concludes that thousands of students are experiencing depressive symptoms, as well as low numbers of protective factors or high levels of risk (Michael J. et al., 2022). This study had several limitations. The survey used secondary data. The study was conducted only in one school, and then generalization of the results was impossible. This study does not consider social and cultural coping difference between societies.

The meta-analytical study conducted by (Gonzalo et al., 2020) systemic analysis of identified original studies comparing the efficacy of universal/selective interventions for good mental health vs. a control group (mean age of <35 years) showed that there was a significant overall improvement in (10/13) good mental health outcomes. Interventions significantly improved mental health literacy when compared to controls. This study suggests that psychoeducation was the most effective intervention for promoting mental health literacy (ES = 0.77, p< 0.001). The article also mentioned that cognitive skills, physical therapy, exercise, and relaxation (ES =0.498, p <0.001) were more effective than psychoeducation and psychotherapy for promoting physical health (Gonzalo, 2020). In this article, there are some limitations. The article implies that psychoeducational intervention will be effective to improve mental health. The evidence is sketchy and may not be representative of all age groups. The study is not addressing all the other psychological therapeutic methods like peer to peer and other physiological therapies. 

Finally, as Michael J. mentioned, childhood trauma that had an adverse developmental experience is highly related to adolescent depression. And a lack of assets as a child was directly related to adolescent depression. The meta-analytical study shows psychoeducational therapy is good therapy for mental health. As a limitation Both articles used secondary data. and the study was conducted in a limited area. Both of the study results show that the articles' conclusions were generalized to all of population. As a recommendation for the authors and other literature reviewers, for reliable results, it is better to use primary data and increase the study area, and future researchers should consolidate and extend this study to a national level.

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