Essay Sample: Drug and Alcohol Addiction Does Not Happen to Just “Bad” People

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 570
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 August 2022

Drug and alcohol addiction is everywhere across the world and could happen to anyone no matter the race or where you come from. The only problem with any addiction is that either it is covered up well or you can easily tell someone is addicted to something. Most people who are addictied to something is not always bad most just make stupid mastakes and the addiction just takeover.

Most people who are addicted to any drug come from a low income household just trying to do better in life, or have family members that does any type of drug, but coming from a low income household does not make you a bad person just someone who had to grow up harder than the average person, and that can make you fall easy to drug abuse just to feel better but some of the most wealthy people in the world abuse drugs to and they are not considered bad people.

Although most people that do drugs are not bad people there are some that are bad people and there is not anything that can justify that. The majority of people that are bad people that abuse drugs are mostly killers, robbers, and rapist and most go to prison for it and some get away with and that's not okay at all so that puts a stereotype on people that anyone that does/abuse drugs are all bad people even though that is not the case its just that type of people that are bad people, but as a society we can see how that affects people and should warn people not do drugs, and that they need help, and drug dealers should get the same amount of time as every other crime no matter the race.

Most people that are still considered bad people for trying or abusing drugs and alcohol is good people that just got in a bad situation. in america most of people that are in bad situations and get the most amount of time is african-americans no matter if they are abusers or not and that is not okay they justice system should be equal to everyone no matter if they were black or white but,  most people that i know personally that try drugs most of the time are not bad people because they want to but because of the situation they are in either they are depressed, have anxiety, lost a family member dear to them, and etc. the only problem i see with people that abuse drugs is the fact that they are young and most of them are in the developing part of their brain and that will have long term effects in the brain. Most older people that have been on harder drugs like crack, opioids, etc likely are homeless and most of them either don't get better or regret trying it in the first place and try to educate the youth about it and society see them as trash on earth instead of humans so they will not help them there is some that will try to get a job and do better but it is hard because of what their situation is.

In conclusion even though most people in the world abuse drugs and alcohol are bad there is still some good people in the world that deserve a second chance and there should be more education about drugs and alcohol in school systems that can relate to kids and not just a lesson like every other subject. I think there should be a reform to get people that do want a second chance, a second chance and open more jobs for them.

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