Should Students Be Required To Participate In Sports Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Health, School, Sports
📌Words: 485
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 June 2021

Some schools require their students to participate in their school sports, and this could cause issues for a student. For many reasons, some students can not participate due to health conditions, or they are not interested which can cause many mental health issues, lastly the student should have the will to choose if sports are for them. Students should not be required to participate in organized school sports because it can cause a variety of issues.

There are many health conditions that cause a person the inability to pay sports, such as asthma, exercise induced asthma, and heart problems. Requiring a student to  participate in a sport even though they have health conditions can worsen it. A student should not be putting their life in danger, or having their body go out of its comfort zone for a sport that they do not want to do. A student should not be forced to deal with any worsened health conditions because their school said that they had to. This could also cause mental health issues if they are forced to do something that they do not want to do. 

Some students might not be interested in doing sports, they might be more interested in the arts, sciences, or mathematics. Students should be able to follow what they want to do. Being forced to do something that you do not want to do might cause an issue with motivation and being sad about having to do it. Many surveys have been done that show students already deal with motivational issues, and worsening them due to them having to do a sport they do not want to do is not good for their mental state. They should have a choice in what they want to do because it is their life and they should focus more on what they want to do for their post secondary education. Sports should be a choice. 

Lastly, it should just be a choice if the student wants to do a sport or not. Students should be able to like their high school years, from personal experiences, being able to do something that I love makes things feel so much better than being told I need to do it to graduate or get a credit. Many students prefer to focus on what they love so they can expand their skill set for that thing they love. Figuring out your post secondary education is mainly based on what you love to do. So being able to spend more time with your passion instead of having to fill time with a sport that they do not want to do would be better for the student. 

Students should not be required to participate in organized school sports because it can cause a variety of issues. These issues include worsened health conditions, mental health issues, and not being able to spend the time with the thing they are passionate about. A student should feel like they have a little more freedom with what they want to do. Would you force your child to participate in sports that they did not want to participate in?

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