Admission Essay Sample: De La Salle University

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 454
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 July 2022

De La Salle University has always been my dream school, as I have heard people vouch for its academic excellence and student-friendly environment. I did a bit of research on my own, and found out that DLSU is considered the best IT/CS school in the Philippines. Not only is De La Salle University known for its high standards of education, beautiful facilities, and modern infrastructure, but it’s also known for its specialized Computer Science programs, which are my preferred courses for college. 

I had always been interested in technology and how it affects the world; however, my curiosity got the best of me, and I started looking into computer hardware, software engineering, and data sciences. That of which sparked my sense of wonder, consequently my love for technology and the desire to become more knowledgeable about it only grew bigger. Studying at De La Salle University would be a dream come true since I would be given the best education that is connected to my passion. Academic excellence accompanied by a beautiful campus and rich history would definitely make my college life more memorable.

I’m the type of person who would never complain about a situation happening to me since I know that others are having worse experiences, but I initially didn’t have this mentality. I was a massive whiner who loved to complain, even if it was something minuscule for instance somebody eating my donut I left in the fridge. I only adopted the stoic way of thinking because I witnessed all the political conflicts happening all over the world, and the innocent civilians who were caught in the altercations. The images of war-torn families, cities, and countries made me realize that I was privileged enough to actually write about them. I am proud that I was able to incorporate the philosophy of stoicism into my life, moreover I was able to replace one of my negative traits with something positive. I always want opportunities to improve myself for the better, no matter how difficult it is. That is why I see challenges as a chance for me to test my own capabilities, and hope that I will emerge as a better person.

Optimism and patience are my strongest qualities that allowed me to push through academic struggles in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. The former has given me contentment and happiness as I am still able to face challenges with a smile on my face, while the latter provides me with calmness and serenity when time management is critical. I especially apply them when I’m tasked with leading, as not everyone can see eye-to-eye. My leadership style revolves around equal opportunities for everyone involved. I try to make the setting casual while still being professional, as it makes everyone more comfortable and not afraid to share insights. I usually steer away from autocratic and authoritarian styles, but I employ them provided the situation deems it necessary.

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