Personal Essay Example about Writing

📌Category: Education, Life, Myself, Writing
📌Words: 404
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

Honestly, I hate writing. As a writer I have not had the best experiences, I often spell things wrong and use incorrect grammar. I have never had an urge to try to become a better writer and improve my skills therefore, I have not gotten any better. I think that my strong hatred for writing is because I feel that it is sometimes unnecessary to be a proper writer. In my life, I have not really had a need to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The only time I have had to use these skills is for school. The only time I write in everyday life is when I am texting, and I do not tend to use any of the techniques for writing I have learned. When the time comes for me to sit down and write I get a mental block and it will sometimes take hours for me to get a single sentence on the page. 

I find writing a bit dreadful, almost like a chore. It is difficult to come up with things to say. For specific essays, it’s hard to remember and execute the assignments in the correct format. Sometimes I feel like my writing can become a bit repetitive and a nuisance to read, that is when I tend to get the most stuck. I find myself going back and reading what I have written over and over again, trying the best that I can to apply all of the skills that I have but still not reaching the full potential of my writing. I can not ever think of more things to say whilst I am writing. I also do not have the best vocabulary so it is hard for me to expand with my writing and take the next step in becoming a more advanced writer. Mr.Schliefer’s vocab quizzes have been helping a lot and if anything this year my writing has been better than any other year.

The hardest thing for me while writing this was to just think about what I could write about. The assignment was basically to write about writing. I had to really think about what I was gonna say and it took a while to do that. I do not enjoy doing this assignment. I have no desire to do anything like this again. I know that assignments like this one, in this class especially will help me to become a much better writer. Maybe I will eventually improve and enjoy writing. Although I am not enthusiastic about this class I am willing to embrace it and get better.

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