Personal Narrative Essay: How Do I Convince My Mom To Let Me Have Social Media

📌Category: Entertainment, Experience, Life, Myself, Social Media
📌Words: 451
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 May 2021

Like most teens, social media seems to be the most desirable thing in the world. Parents are continually working hard to get their children off of their phones. However, I wanted as much and maybe even more than everyone else; I did not have that privilege of entering that addictive world. That often made me feel like an outcast around my classmates. A new idea formed: How do I convince my Mom to let me have social media?

At first, I had to test the waters, my heart pumping and gripping on every drop of luck, I asked her. “NO!”. Yep, and I was in for a treat; this was not the end of my rejection. After feeling defeated, I realized I had to take a different approach; my opportunity came when my ELA class studied persuasion techniques and would require us to persuade someone to do something. This assignment was my opportunity! I was eager to start writing. I began to line of my reasonings and explained them thoroughly. I turned in my paper to my teacher, and the response was great; I thought it would increase my odds. I planned to give my Mom the letter during the weekend, so just-in-case I have recovery time to heal from the harsh veto. I woke up feeling ecstatic; this was game day! It was simple: hand her the letter in the envelope, then walk out of the room to let her think.

After some time, I was to walk and ask for her verdict. I grabbed my “A+” paper and headed to my office room to get an envelope. With the envelope in hand, I took sixty-two steps of faith towards my Mom’s room. I start to think, what happens if she says “no.” They have always said, “ If you want something, you will work hard to get it,”; and indeed, I was working very hard, but what if it was not enough to convince her? I placed the envelope in front of her and proceeded to walk out of her bedroom. I waited anxiously, pasting back and forth and replaying every possible scenario. It was time; I walked into the lit lukewarm temperature room. I asked her for her decision. All of this was in vain; I took the hard hit of the refusal; I tried to rebuttal her reasonings, but she got the final say. I was very frustrated; I tried almost everything. My friends were delivered the news, as they knew how I longed for it. I had to accept the answer. 

Fast forward to the present day; I did end up getting the forbidden fruit of social media. The only reflection I have is why? I did not miss that much. The one thing that I wanted so passionately is now something I want to forget. It is pretty overrated and sometimes dangerous, but at least I got to experience it.

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