Racism In 42 Movie Review ​​​​​​​

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies, Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 372
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 April 2021


Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in the MLB, which impacted many lives. In the movie 42, his story and struggles are shown. In 1947, Robinson was approached by the president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Branch Rickey. At that time, there were 400 white players in the league. Due to the prejudice and racism, Branch Rickey knew that recruiting Robinson would be risky and said, “I want one that has the guts not to fight back.” During the beginning of his career, racist players would make crude comments, which could escalate into a fight. Throughout his life, Jackie Robinson had major setbacks but was able to overcome them, resulting in honoring him to this day.

Based on the movie 42, Jackie Robinson experienced horrendous events daily due to the color of his skin. At the airport Rachel, who was his wife, had to use the restroom, but was unable to due to it being for white only. She decided to disregard the sign because there were no other available accommodations and a flight attendant noticed. As a result, their seats were given away and they were threatened by the same flight attendant to call security on them. This action indicated how Jackie and his wife were viewed and hated upon due to their skin. Personally, this segment of the movie stood out due to the effects it had. There was no other choice than to go into that bathroom, and resulting in finding another way to travel far. Instead of feeling ashamed for no accommodations, the flight attendant decided to punish them by giving away their seats. Jackie Robinson was punished and hated upon over something he had no control over.

This impactful movie shows themes and practices that Jackie Robinson experienced daily. During this time, my grandparents were alive. Due to them living in the Philippines, blacks and whites playing on the same field did not have an impact on their lives. However, Jackie Robinson’s choice to play for the Dodgers affected many and impacts us to this day. As Robinson continued to improve, his teammates began to see him as an equal. Over time, racism in the US has decreased but is still present. Movies like 42 deserve to be recognized because it shows how all people are people no matter their skin color. 

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