Essay about Orthodontists and Dentists

📌Category: Health, Medicine
📌Words: 902
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 06 September 2021

“Nearly one-third of Americans say the first aspect of someone's face they typically notice is his or her teeth” (“Liquid Smile in Fort Wayne”). People all around the world use orthodontic and dental treatment to help improve their teeth and smiles. With the constant advancements in technology in the orthodontic and dental field, the process of obtaining a beautiful, healthy smile is becoming a lot easier. This effort to advance dental and orthodontic practices around the world has helped the mouths of people of all ages. Orthodontic and dental professions constantly work together to positively affect the population by helping create healthy and clean mouths, helping create aesthetically pleasing smiles, and diagnosing and treating dental diseases in early stages. 

Orthodontists and dentists work together to create healthy and clean mouths by cleaning and examining mouths to make sure that the teeth and gums are in pristine condition. Dentists and orthodontists check the mouths of their patients to make sure that they do not have any plaque build up and cavities. During orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist can refer patients to the dentist to get a closer examination on their teeth. Typically most adult patients do not realise that they have extreme plaque buildup or cavities. In an article about cavities, it said, “In a 2016 study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that over 90% of adults in the United States have had a cavity. They also reported that 1 in 4 adults have cavities that are untreated” (“What Percentage of People...”). Untreated issues in the mouth can lead to bigger issues in the future. Dentists and orthodontists are improving their methods to make it easier to find the issues and concerns inside of the mouth. 

Having clean and spotless teeth can help with future jobs or other social interactions. Having fresh breath and brushed teeth helps the overall appearance of a person and helps people look more well-kept. An adult dentistry website noted, “Having bad teeth or poor oral hygiene can make landing customer or client-facing roles very difficult. Companies want employees in charge of sales, meetings, and presentations to be true brand representatives and to carry themselves the right way, including the way they look, dress, and groom themselves. When applicants for those types of positions have discolored, broken, or missing teeth, managers and executives may feel that their appearances could harm their companies’ images” (“How Poor Dental Hygiene...”). Dentists and orthodontists want to help others overcome this issue by helping improve their oral hygiene with dental services. 

Orthodontists and dentists work together to create aesthetically pleasing smiles.  Receiving orthodontic treatment, such as braces, improves the looks of the teeth and potentially the jaw of the patients. Braces and orthodontic work help give people those big and straight smiles that they have always wanted. Straight teeth can help eliminate lisps and some speaking issues, which then helps with communicating with others. A Doctor of Dental Medicine from Pennsylvania explained, “Often, those with jagged or crooked teeth will go out of their ways to cover up a smile using their lips or talk with their mouths slightly closed to avoid anyone knowing what their teeth look like” (Siegel). Straight teeth help people effectively communicate with others in a confident way. 

Having straight teeth and a beautiful smile can help boost people’s social confidence and self-esteem. Since one of the first things people notice about someone's appearance is their teeth, it is safe to make the assumption that someone would want straight and white teeth. According to a recent study about having self-confidence in your smile, it says, “Having straight teeth gives you confidence and a sense of peace of mind in social situations, so instead of shying away from conversation, you'll be starting them” (“How Straight Teeth Improve...”). Achieving that straight smile helps people become more successful in things that they were too uncomfortable or embarrassed to do before.

Orthodontists and dentists work together to help diagnose and treat dental diseases in early stages. Dental professions identify dental diseases throughout the mouth with x-rays and new oral research. These dentists and orthodontists go through intense studying and research to be able to read x-rays to discover and cure diseases. One dentist notes, “Oral diseases are not usually visible to the naked eye, that is why dental x-rays are such an important part of dental care” (“How Did the Discovery...”). This dentist said that before x-rays, dentists and orthodontists had to look in the mouth and guess if they had any diseases by the looks of their gums and teeth. Technology has come a long way and it is becoming easier to identify things in the mouth. 

Along with just diseases in the mouth, having poor dental hygiene causes issues throughout the body. Inadequate oral health increases the chances of getting infections throughout the body. Dentist Thomas J. Salinas wrote, “Poor dental health increases the risk of a bacterial infection in the bloodstream, which can affect the heart valves.” Even though oral health is not directly associated with heart disease, the dentist noted that it is still extremely important to brush, floss, and try to keep good oral hygiene. Dentists and orthodontists continue to learn new things everyday to help teach people how to refrain from obtaining mouth diseases.

Dentistry is an underappreciated profession in our world today for all of the many benefits it has on society. Orthodontic and dental work help with self-confidence, jobs and social interactions, and overall health. Orthodontic and dental professions constantly work together to positively affect the population by helping create healthy and clean mouths, helping create aesthetically pleasing smiles, and diagnosing and treating dental diseases in early stages. Dentistry plays a lifesaving role in people's lives by discovering many oral diseases that can only be noticed by a professional.  Orthodontic and dental treatments all around the country have truly helped people have healthy teeth along with beautiful, straight smiles.

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