The Cancer Council Australia Essay Example

📌Category: Cancer, Health, Medicine
📌Words: 411
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 May 2021

Did you know that Cancer has saved more than 61,000 lives? What is Cancer Council, you may ask? Cancer Council is an Australian cause that helps and supports each Australian with cancer and their families. Cancer Council is likewise the most diligent foundation you will find, working day and night to discover new cures, changing people’s lives for great, and helping individuals stay cancer-free. This fact demonstrates that Cancer Council is the best cause to support. 

Cancer Council additionally does all that it can, to save the lives of countless individuals that die due to cancer every year. They do this by doing numerous things like donating large amounts of money, exploring and attempting to discover new cures, and by providing information to assist individuals with remaking cancer-free. The world needs more of this! The survival rate of cancer used to be 49% during the 1980s however because of the ventures and difficult work Cancer Council has done it is currently 69%. That is an increase of 20%, one-fifth of 100%! As this charity saves so many lives it certainly deserves your support. 

This restlessly hardworking charity has changed over thousands of people's lives for the better. Most people with cancer and their families have gone into financial and mental stress due to this terrible disease. Some malignancy patients have even gone into depression because of harassment they have received because of going bald yet Cancer Council has changed however many of these individuals as could be by doing all that it can do. What it does includes donating over 2,000 wigs to cancer patients and donating 6.9 million dollars to help people with paying for treatment. Without this help, multiple people would still be depressed and some might even still have cancer but the Cancer council has changed their lives for the better so now they can live happily.

Anybody can get cancer even you however Cancer Council does all that it can do to keep everybody safe from this appalling disease. Millions and millions of people unknowingly get cancer each day as they aren’t cautious but Cancer Council works hard 24/7 to lower that number. This charity also spends over 58.1 million dollars each year to help prevent cancer so that millions of people can sleep calmly without the stress of having cancer. As I said before even you can get cancer but Cancer Council helps prevent that making it the best charity to support. 

All things considered, Cancer Council is the perfect charity to support. This is because Cancer Council saves lives, changes people’s lives for good, and keeps them free from cancer. These reasons unmistakably address that Cancer Council is the best foundation to support.

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