The Health Threat of Antibiotic Resistance Essay Example

📌Category: Health, Health Care, Medicine
📌Words: 317
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 June 2021

Antibiotic resistance is one of the most urgent threats to the public's health. Bacterial infections are prevented using medicines such as antibiotics. When the bacteria changes in response to the medicines it can arise the bacteria to become antibiotic resistant, this is when the bacteria reduce or eliminates the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals, or other agents designed to cure or prevent the infections. If the bacteria infect humans and animals the infections, they cause will be harder to treat if its resistant bacteria, this includes infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and salmonellosis. This is a problem due to antibiotics being over prescribed causing the high medical cost, prolonged hospital stays and increased mortality. 

Ways to reduce antibiotic resistance 

Only take antibiotics when necessary. 

Treat specific bacteria with specific antibiotics. 

High hospital hygiene levels, including regular hand washing by staff and visitors. 

Patients who are infected with antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria should be isolated from other patients. 

Never share or use leftover antibiotics. 

The national institute for health and care excellence (NICE) says that many patients demand to be given antibiotics and doctors are feeling pressured to give them to their patients. One survey found that nine out of ten doctors felt under pressure in the consulting room to comply with their expectations, while another survey showed that 97% of patients who request their antibiotics from their doctor are given a prescription for them. NICE said that GPs should monitor the prescribing of their partners in case they are being over enthusiastic with the antibiotics. 

Many people with viruses such as colds, flu and sore throats ask their doctors for antibiotics which will not cure their problems as the basic rule is that antibiotics only work against bacteria. However, doctors still over prescribe antibiotics due to demand.  

By understanding and promoting behavioral change through education, effective communication and training is critical to tackling the global issues of antimicrobial awareness. If we are continuing to educate and develop in the health and veterinary sectors and agricultural practices it will help to ensure proper understanding and awareness among professionals.  

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