The Importance of Body Positivity Essay Example

📌Category: Health, Human Body, Mental health
📌Words: 297
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 April 2021

I chose to write about body positivity because I want to promote the community’s values. My solution is to define the community, normalize all bodies into new beauty standards, and lastly bring confidence to those who struggle with maintaining a good body image. My solution will give people who struggle with maintaining a good body image a source of confidence and opportunities from the values body positivity community. 

Society has invested time into beauty standards to the point where a “flat stomach”, “thigh gap”, and “skinny” are normalized for today’s beauty standards (, leaving individuals who are insecure about their body and do not fall into those categories with less confidence.

Allow more opportunities such as modeling, acting, magazine covers, and more to individual who do not fall into today’s beauty standards. Individuals that do not fall into todays beauty standards need recognition to promote the body positivity community. When recognition is touched by those who do not fulfill today’s beauty standards becomes a source of confidence to those who struggle with bad body image. Grammy-winning US Singer Lizzo speaks to and said “I would like to be body normative. I would like to normalize my body.” She argues that “Body positivity has been commercialized and appropriated to the point where its simply cool.” With recognition Lizzo has become a strong part of the body positivity community and most likely has helped others with their body image.

Bad body image can not only lead to a decrease in self-esteem, can also “lead to depression, social anxiety, and eating disorders” ( Another note to add is that “approximately 80% of US women don’t like how they look. 34% of men are dissatisfied with their body” (

My solution is to normalize all body shapes and sizes into beauty standards by giving those who do not fall into today’s beauty standards the same opportunities as to those who do.

Why not be happy with our bodies.

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