Argumentative Essay Sample on Mandatory Vaccination

📌Category: Coronavirus, Vaccination
📌Words: 435
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 July 2022

Does it not seem cruel that people should suffer for the sake of others if they refuse to take the vaccine to protect themselves against the spread of the virus? People do not have the right to harm or even kill others just because they refuse to accept the vaccine of a deadly disease. It is critical to remember that our health is one of the most indispensable aspects of our lives. Thereby, everyone should be obligated to get immunizations for all diseases as long as they live on this planet and interact with other people. Vaccines can strengthen and protect our bodies, decrease the spread of diseases, and most importantly, save lives. 

Vaccines protect us from diseases and help boost our immune system's ability to fight them. Vaccines contain weakened or fewer active parts of the particular virus or disease that triggers an immune response within the body. This way it 'tricks' the immune system into producing antibodies. Suppose that you are exposed to a disease, your antibodies would be ready to fight it since they have previously trained to do so. Vaccines strengthen our bodies and prepare them to fight the viruses and diseases that we may get infected by in the future. 

By the time enough people have taken the vaccine for a specific spreading disease, the number of people getting infected decreases. Moreover, it would be harder for a person to get infected if everyone around them was safe and protected by the vaccine. In other words, without vaccines, many people would get infected and severely harmed ascribed to the contact and interference with infected people.  

Vaccines can save many lives, if everyone gets immuned and follows the correct procedure of safety rules. As the scientist, Alison Galvani stated that "We found in our work with Eric that the vaccination campaign that was implemented has already saved well over 200,000 lives and averted more than a million hospitalizations". As she said, vaccines have saved many people's lives, and that is by killing the virus or disease that they had been previously trained to fight. On top of that, if an elderly got infected by a disease that he had gotten the vaccine for, the effect of the disease would be much less harmful than it would be if had not taken the vaccine. The disease would have killed him if it wasn't for the vaccine due to his weak immune system. 

Ultimately, immunization is an essential factor in life. Diseases and viruses can be decreased and prevented from harming lives by vaccines. Our bodies get prepared and trained to fight the virus in case of getting infected by it by vaccines. We gain stronger and healthier immune systems and antibodies that are ready to fight off any diseases. That is why vaccines should be mandatory for everyone.

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