Compare and Contrast Essay Example: Autism vs. Down Syndrome

📌Category: Disorders, Health
📌Words: 1192
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 06 August 2022

”1 in 45 individuals" (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome") will be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020. This shows that a considerable number of people are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Also, "approximately 6,000 babies born in the USA every year have Down syndrome" (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome"). This means that many children are born with Down syndrome every year. Many people are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome each year. Autism and Down syndrome have many things in common and they are very closely related, but they are also very different. They share a lot of the same symptoms and signs. Down syndrome and Autism are similar but also different in terms of challenging behaviors, the kind of disorder, learning disabilities, when they can be diagnosed, co-occurring health conditions, and physical traits.

Challenging behaviors are something that autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome have in common. Many people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, or Down syndrome have trouble with "receiving and expressing affection" (Dieleman). This shows that people that have autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome experience trouble with behavior. For example, showing affection and receiving affection is difficult for them to do. Which means they have trouble giving hugs or receiving them. Some behavioral issues that they may have or develop may involve "attention, social, and thought problems" (Dieleman). This shows that many different issues can arise from challenging behaviors. such as having trouble with their attention span. Also, people with an autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome can develop social problems if they are not comfortable in social settings. They may even develop thought problems, which might decrease their chances of thinking through situations or problems. Children and adults with an autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome usually have trouble with behavior. 

A major difference between autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome is what kind of disorder they are. Autism is a neurodevelopment disorder, while Down syndrome is a genetic disorder. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder, and it causes a "chromosomal abnormality" (Nadel). In which the person with Down syndrome was born with an extra chromosome. The extra chromosome is called "chromosome 21 due to abnormal cell division" (Wkmcn). This shows that people with Down syndrome gain the extra chromosome because of a pellicular cell division. The extra chromosome is mainly known as chromosome 21. Autism spectrum disorder is considered a neurodevelopment disorder. The reason it is considered that is because of "abnormal brain development" (Wkmcn). This means that it is a neurodevelopment disorder because there was unusual brain development that caused autism spectrum disorder. The main difference between autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome is the various kinds of disorders they are each considered. 

A similarity that autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome share are that they both cause learning disabilities. People who have autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome are at a disadvantage compared to those who do not have either of these conditions because they struggle with their ability to learn. For example, "difficulties in learning a language" (Fujino) shows that people with autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome struggle more with learning a different language than other people would. Something that people with autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome struggle with is a "delay in learning to speak" (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome"). This shows that people with either of those disorders struggle with learning how to speak or comprehend it. which results in a delay in their speaking because they do not know how to. Many people that have down syndrome or autism spectrum disorder have an "inability to comprehend" (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome"). This shows that they struggle with comprehending things, which makes it harder for them to learn. Numerous people who are diagnosed with either autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome struggle to learn basic things. 

A difference between autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome is when they can be diagnosed or when they can be detected. During pregnancy, Down syndrome can be detected by doctors (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome"). The way that doctors find out if somebody has Down syndrome is through "diagnostic and screening tests" (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome"). This means that down syndrome can be detected while the child is still in the womb, while autism spectrum disorder cannot be detected then. Autism spectrum disorder cannot be detected until "the early childhood stages" (N/A "The Difference Between Autism and Down's Syndrome"). This means that autism spectrum disorder is detected significantly later than when Down syndrome can be detected. Autism spectrum disorder is usually diagnosed through actions and behaviors, while Down syndrome is diagnosed through tests. There are some major differences between autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome, and this difference is one of them. Mostly because autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome are diagnosed at two contrasting times in one’s lifetime; down syndrome is diagnosed while one is pregnant with the child, while autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed in their childhood. 

Something similar between autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome is that they both usually come with co-occurring health conditions. For example, a co-occurring health condition that usually happens to people with Down syndrome "affects all organ systems" (Santoro). This shows that people that are diagnosed with Down syndrome have certain health conditions that may affect their organ systems. People with autism spectrum disorder all have co-occurring health conditions. For instance, people with autism spectrum disorder are usually diagnosed with "epilepsy or cerebrovascular disease" (Santoro). This means that people with autism may have seizures that are caused by sensory disturbances. Also, autism spectrum disorder can cause a problem with blood vessels in the brain, and it also messes with cerebral circulation. This shows that people with an autism spectrum disorder or Down syndrome have numerous other health conditions that affect them. 

A significant difference between Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder is the physical traits. The reason for this is that Down syndrome has a physical trait appearance while autism spectrum disorder does not. For instance, some physical traits that people with Down syndrome have are "flattened faces, short necks, and short heights" (N/A "Down Syndrome"). This shows that people that are diagnosed with Down's syndrome have many different distinct physical characteristics. Down syndrome is known to stunt growth, which can, in the end, cause people to be short. For example, "relatively short fingers and small hands and feet" (N/A "Down Syndrome"). This shows that down syndrome does not only stunt height, but also stunts the growth of many things. such as fingers, hands, and feet. This shows that Down syndrome causes multiple different physical characteristics, while autism spectrum disorder does not.

Overall Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder are closely related but are also different. Challenging behaviors are something that autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome have in common. For instance, they both struggle with receiving affection and expressing it. A difference between the two is what kind of disorder they are. For example, Down syndrome is a genetic disorder while autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopment disorder. Another similarity between them both is that they are both affected by learning disabilities. Another difference is that autism spectrum disorder is not discovered till early childhood as Down syndrome can be discovered in the womb. Autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome can come with co-occurring health conditions. Physical traits are a significant difference between the two. Since down syndrome has certain physical characteristics that autism spectrum disorder does not. Autism spectrum disorder and Down syndrome are very different but also very similar for example, challenging behaviors, the kind of disorder, learning disabilities, when they can be diagnosed, co-occurring health conditions, and physical traits.

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