Should Catholic Schools Exist Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Education, Religion, School
📌Words: 721
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 September 2021

Catholic schools are similar to public schools, except for the fact that they force religion onto impressionable students and turn them into homophobic Karens! Okay, perhaps not turn them into Karens, but catholic schools do pressure young children into behaving and thinking in a manner that probably would have never occurred to them if the belief system had not been forced upon them when they were young. This leads one to ask the question: “Should catholic schools exist?” Although they claim to be a community like family, catholic schools are misshaping the next generation of world changers. Religious schools should not exist, if a parent wants their children to be exposed to the catholic religion, they can bring their kid to church. Children who attend catholic schools are not old enough to understand religion, become more closed minded, and end up more confused by diversity than kids who attend public schools. Due to these factors, everyone should agree, catholic schools should not exist.

Children are not old or mature enough to properly understand religion and decide what they believe in for themselves. Children should be allowed to learn about many religions and decide for themselves what they want to practice. The children are not thinking for themselves, they did not choose to be catholic, they were forced to by their parents. In addition, children can not think for themselves until they are teenagers, and even at that age, are still heavily influenced by the adults and other teens around them. The kids in catholic schools have the beliefs of the teachers preached to them as though it was as true as science. This can ruin the child’s perspective of truth vs beliefs. Children should be able to choose what they believe in, catholic institutions do not give them that opportunity. Catholic schools should not exist because they cause children to have religion forced upon them, without even understanding what it all means.

Children from catholic schools are also more likely to be closed minded. The kids are raised to believe that their religion is the only true religion and that all other belief systems are blasphemy. Though catholic parents may think their kid’s school is diverse, it is not. There are “over 5000 other cultures in this world” (1), and children in catholic schools are only being exposed to one. The children can not fathom people that are different since they were only exposed to people with the same beliefs. The children will grow up to not understand why others think differently than them and will end up being rude to people of other cultures and religions, simply because they didn't learn about diversity in school. Religious schools should be abolished since they teach children that only their beliefs are true and cause the children to be closed minded.

The children don't learn about diversity in religion, nor did they learn about diverse identities, this can cause them to be confused and even become homophobic. Children enrolled in catholic schools only learnt about the ideal family and person. If these students meet someone or become someone who is not ideal, as an exaple they might be homosexual, the child may shut down the person who is different or adopt internalised homophobia. Some teachers in catholic schools preach homophobia to their students. Also, “LGBTQ+ students are 3 times more likely to get bullied than heterosexual student.” (2) A child is not born homophobic, they are taught. Whether it's their identity or someone else's, if they do not understand, they will end up being rassist or homophobic. Such incorrect beliefs can be unlearned, though that takes time, and if someone has believed something their entire life, it is near impossible to relearn. There should not be religion based schools because it normalises teachers preaching beliefs to students, even if those beliefs go against other people’s identities.

Naturally, there are more reasons that catholic schools should not exist, these are just those that affect the child’s future the most. The question “Should catholic schools exist?” has been answered. Despite being everywhere and teaching millions of students (3), catholic schools must be abolished for them to stop corrupting the next generation. Catholic schools should simply not exist. Kids enrolled in catholique schools are too young to comprehend religion enough to practice it, are closed minded faced with different beliefs, and are more perplexed by diverse identities than children who do not attend any religious institutions. It is about time that the requirement for catholic schools be re-examined and modernised to become public schools, where children are exposed to more diversity and are given the chance to decide for themselves what they believe. It is time to dissolve the catholic schools.

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