Internet Crime Essay Sample

📌Category: Crime, Internet
📌Words: 1132
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 03 July 2022

The internet is a useful tool used daily by millions of people everyday People use the internet to do Banking known as E-banking  ‘’e-banking has had  significant effect on the baking landscape’’(Lloyd, corin,Stephen,2015,p12)  but when a  tool is used by millions, we can expect that a few bad apples also use the tool. Crime is a common thing in the real world, but it is also in the cyber world and its more common than the real thing. Some people use the internet to buy illegal substances or other nefarious effect everyone one way or another. But the ones that are the most common are the making of virus that effect the device you are on, the theft of your identity in real life or cyber, the wrong use of encryption, phishing  and distributed denial of service attacks know as DDoS.

Programs or applications on the internet can let us download things and or sites that can give what we want but not all of them a clean and some of them are used for nefarious things such as fake sites that promise money and or free things, you don’t get what hey promote and instead receive what we call a virus. Viruses are little programs that can go from harmless to destructive to your internet browser and even worse the device you are using to browse the internet. Some of these little, tiny bugs can even steal or delete your information that you keep private. Encrypt them and make them locked away from your access and can slow the device you are on such as search speeds and video watch speeds. Can give advertisements that are not appropriate . The only way to not be affected is to not go on sites that seem not normal or too real to be true. But if that is to late you can use a anti virus that will find and eliminate the virus right there and now. 

You identify is what makes you in the world and is important and in the cyber world it has the same impact. But what happens on the internet can cause your identity on the internet but also in real life. People try to become you on the internet in one way or another and that is consider identity theft and fraud. They can ruin your reputation and steal your accounts to become you. Find your social security number if you left it on a folder or message and become you. They can even get into your bank account to access your funds or lock you out of your own account by doing this. 

The internet requires a connection to an internet service provider which in turn gives you a router that gives you data that lets you access it. But some people get mad at each other and overload the internet router that a person uses to deny them internet and that is what a direct  denial of service is. The denial of the use of the service of internet by shutting down your router by overloading. Lot of people use it and is most common by people that play videogames. Lot of people think that a doing a DDoS attack is not illegal, but the attack can get you up to 10 years of jail time and half a million  united state dollars (500 000$) in fees.

Electronic banking is a safe and easy and handy tool that people use to do there daily banking activity’s from buying things online or cashing a check using the photo scan option. It is used by millions per day and uses the banks server that are connect to the internet to do so. Safe easy and quick. Or so you think. “Electronic banking customers are primarily the targets of phishing attacks. These customers are normally sent unsuspecting emails luring them to a fake website which usually has the bank’s name or something that resembles the domain of financial institution that is being attacked ( Waller et al. 2015 p.48). Many criminals use ways to get it such as Phishing to get access to your account. Phishing is the act of getting access to your data by making a site look like the real deal but there would be small differences. One example of a real and phishing site is and, in nature they look very similar if you look quick but if you pay attention, they are different. People think that that you have to pay attention the site name you go on when clicking a link but that is the danger of Phishing. They can redirect you from the real site in real time by either having a virus on the device or what we like to call an Evil twin. An evil twin is a router that takes the name of another router such as Starbucks customer Wi-Fi and tries to either hide the original or co exist with it. When connected to this router it lets the criminal have access to your computer and can reroute your internet traffic and make you go to a site that is like the site you were on. Try being safe use products such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This tool makes it impossible for a phisher to get access to your computer by masking your IP Address.

Encryption is a legal action you can do to keep your files and documents safe my having it be password locked and it would be hard to access it using makes it harder for criminals to have access to your files by giving it an extra line of defence to your arsenal. It is also used to keep communication between you and someone else confidential, but it can also be a crime. “ While useful  to protect legitimate communication on the internet, encryption impedes law enforcement agencies lawful interception of communication in  the course of a criminal investigations”(Valiquet. 2011 p.11). this in itself is  a crime if you do not let the police have access to the files or communication. This would go as cybercrime but also as hiding or disposing of evidence.

The cyberworld is a useful tool that was made in the 90’s and is still use today and will see more use in the future but it is not as clean as some people see it as. Just like the real-world crime is everywhere and you could be doing something illegal with out knowing and or be affected by it. Just remember to always think and pay attention, try to avoid suspicious sites and or links. Try adding an antivirus when having to deal with problems. Virus can be dangerous and even harmful to your internet usage and devices. All your sensitive data can be in danger. Try to encrypt the right files but always give access to your files if you are under an investigation from the police. and to always make sure to be safe you never know when a virus or a person trying to phish you will be nearby.  The simple act of doing a crime on the internet is not anonymous. Someone will know and the next thing is that person could be in trouble with the law.

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