Is Google Making Us Stupid by Nicholas Carr Essay Review

📌Category: Articles, Internet, Journalism
📌Words: 530
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 June 2021

The Internet suffocates one's ability to learn and grow. In the essay "Is Google Making Us Stupid," Nicholas Carr discusses the threats that future generations will face as a result of the internet's risks. Since people are fed answers and solutions to any problem, technology is making them lazy and less efficient. The internet is changing us without you even knowing. 

The internet causes people to become idle and have a shorter attention span, as a result, they become slower at reading and writing, resulting in a superficial way of thinking. In the essay, Carr seems to believe that machines have more sophisticated brain capacity than humans and that our reliance on computers is robbing us of our ability to think clearly. Just the thought of having the answer to any question with just a click of a button is an overwhelming problem for us. Consequently, students push assignments to the last second because they know that the answers are online and they just have to copy and paste. This makes the person very idle which is changing who they really were. 

The Internet is impacting people's capacity to comprehend. While most people benefit from technology because of its quick responses to limitless knowledge, it is also changing the way people think and affecting their ability to learn.  For this reason, more people are in desperate need of the internet, even for the simplest of matters. We are relying on the internet too much that we don’t even realize. Since we got answers to any questions, we stumbled upon we don’t feel the need to challenge ourselves and do things with our knowledge. This paves the way for us to become very unintelligent leading us to become very useless as humans. We are only able to solve something or do something with the use of the internet. 

The internet is in fact one of the best ways to advance in academics. You have access to an unlimited amount of material for any subject or topic you are trying to learn. Many people are more comfortable taking online classes than in person. It is a great tool for anyone willing to learn. But sadly the bad outweighs the good. Because we have access to something that has an answer for everything we tend to miss use it to our advantage. Having the answers at our fingertips takes a toll on people's intelligence. Nicholas Carr talks about how he can't think like how he used to and most of that feeling is coming from the internet. “The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle” Just reading a text nowadays is a challenge to many people due to the easy summaries and text analyses the internet provides. 

The internet is changing us without you even knowing. People have become indolent and short attention spanned as a consequence of the internet, and as a result, they become worse at reading and writing, resulting in a shallow way of thinking. People's ability to comprehend is being impacted by the Internet. Although most people profit from technology because of its fast responses to unlimited information, it is also impacting people's ability to learn and change the way they think. Because of the simple summaries and text analyses available on the internet, simply reading a text is now a challenge for many people. If we don't do anything immediately then we should all be concerned for the future.

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