The Most Likely Timeline For Life To Return To Normal

📌Category: Coronavirus, Life
📌Words: 725
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 23 April 2021

Did you ever thought about yourself going through a pandemic? Most people never imagined having to struggle through a pandemic like the one happening right now throughout the world. The COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by newly discovered coronavirus. It can be transmitted through air particles as well as coughs, sneezes and contact with people infected. Unfortunately, this pandemic, as well as the others, has affected many people and their families. This virus has the ability to kill the people that are less fortunate to have a healthy immune system. After a year of struggling through this virus the article “The most likely timeline for life to return to normal” talks about the possible situations for the next seasons to come. 

To start off, we can all say that by spring 2021 we will be handling the pandemic just like we have for the past year. People believe that due to the vaccinations that started happening this year that everything will be back to normal in no time. They do not understand that it takes time and even if the majority is vaccinated that does not mean that the virus is gone. In the article Robinson Meyer wrote, “March to May is the mystery” (Pinsker) you can ask yourself why. It is for the main reason that variants from the virus are starting to show up and experts still do not know that damage that they can cause. When a virus has been going around for some time it starts to evolve creating news types of viruses. For this exact reason we can expect for this spring to be like the other and not know how the pandemic can react. 

As time changes and weather tends to change, many experts want to believe that by the summer of 2021 life will be slightly more normal. As we read closely, in the article they give us hope by stating, “the combination of widespread vaccinations and warmer weather would likely make many activities much safer” (Pinsker). We can expect for many people to be vaccinated by sometime in between June and September. With the system most countries are enforcing with the vaccines we can picture the possibility for it being a reality. Another helpful factor is the warmer weather. You may ask why the weather has to do with the virus, well virus tend to like colder weather than heat. There is some virus that just do not like the heat, and they tend to die. That is why there is hope that this summer, with the help of these two factors, we can have a summer closer to the one we had in 2019. 

As the weather gets cooler, we can see two possible scenarios for the fall/winter 2021-2022. By these times mostly everyone will be vaccinated, and experts want to believe that big crowds can be a thing. With the majority vaccinated we can expect less people to be in the hospital. The other scenario involves the unvaccinated people, for the main reason that variants can start creating more infections and cases can rise up again. If this ends up the scenario, we will have to go back to the same precautions we are currently taking. We won’t have to go to the extreme like lockdowns, but we will have to take some precautions. After a summer we have all been waiting for, we won’t know what the fall/winter holds for us. 

We expect for life in the summer of 2022 to be back to normal. We still do not know what normal will be in that time, but we for sure won’t be in the same fear as we are at the moment. In the article they explain why by that time everything will be better with the following line, “the virus will still exist, but one possibility is that it will be less likely to make people ill” (Pinsker). The virus will forever exist no matter how much they try to get rid of it. The only thing experts can do is control it like the other viruses that already exist. The coronavirus will soon become like the flu, it can lead to kill people but not in huge amounts. 

As a whole we can expect for the next year and a half for everything to start getting better. We obviously know the change won’t happen within a day, but we for sure know that we have at least see a light at the end of the tunnel. We have learned to live with covid, and we will continue to for the rest of our lives for the exact reason that the virus will never be gone completely. 

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