Personal Essay Example: The Book That Changed My Life

📌Category: Books, Life, Myself
📌Words: 519
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

Anybody close to me can tell you that I always have a book with me. Whether I'm in the car, going to a friend's house, or even going to a party I always have a book on me. Up until I was 12,  I absolutely hated to read and only read when I was forced to for school. It wasn't until I read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen that I started my obsession with reading. It changed my life for the better and for the worse. 

I still remember reading Pride and Prejudice for the first time. I couldn't put it down and would constantly talk about it to my friends who could really care less if Mr. Darcy finally told Elizabeth he loved her. Whenever I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it, constantly. If anyone loves reading they know just how terrible a book hangover is. I felt so much for one book and didn't want to let the life I just lived on pages go. So I read it again. I read it 3 more times in one week. After finally being able to put it down I asked my mom if I could get another. Ever since I never stopped reading. 

Reading gives me a million different perspectives and teaches me so many things. I never thought I would love words on a page so much. The thing is it's not just words on a page it's a whole life I get to live for chapters and chapters.  I've been a part of the march family, fell in love with Mr.Darcy, was a part of the dead poets society, and went to Neverland with Peter. I've consumed all these lives that I kept forgetting to live my own. Our reality looked so dull so I made myself change that. I see life differently than others now. Life looks so small compared to what I've read and the stories I've experienced. Reading taught me to follow a life I dream of even if it's unrealistic because you only get one so why live it stressing about small things. Unfortunately not a lot of people think like this so I'm often reminded how unrealistic my dreams are. From a young age everyone is told they have to go to school, go to college, and get a job. Most adults I know are quite miserable with the jobs they have. I want a life full of adventure and passion. Not settling for a 9 to 5 working just because I have to. Telling my family this at a family barbecue didn't go very well. Again I was reminded how unrealistic it is to have a life like that. The lives I've lived in books are full of adventure and passion so why can't I have that? 

I've lived many lives and experienced many things among characters in books. Which gave me the most amazing life lessons I will carry with me forever. I've fallen in love with characters who I will never forget. So it did change my life for the better because it made me a better person and have a different outlook on life. As a kid, I had a huge imagination which made life so much brighter. Reading gives me that same imagination again which many have lost.

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