Persuasive Essay Example: College Is Unnecessary

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 837
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 02 July 2022

In this world, we all deal with this question, do we find college a necessity? This idea can affect the person’s mind in many ways making them go back and forth giving them more stress than needed. College is unnecessary since tuition prices are too high, the student debt is affecting them after college, and programs are offering job training to high schoolers. 

To begin with, College tuition prices are very expensive for college students, and their families to pay. “Tuition at public two-year institutions in Colorado rose by 52% from 2008 to 2018, now costing $4,470 per year on average,”(Hernandez). It is crazy that it raised this much in 10 years to make them pay $4,470 a year, so if you go to college for 2 years the price would be $8,940, if your student goes for 4 years it would be $17,880 a year. That is a lot of money for people to pay to go to college when they can get roughly the same job without spending that much money every year. Also, “An even larger majority - 75% - says college is too expensive for most Americans to afford,”(Pew Research Center). This fact shows that they got people’s opinion on this matter and almost all of them say the same where college is too expensive for these families to be paying. So, just think about it and how these people can't fulfill their dreams in college just due to the tuition prices. 

Secondly, after college, the student debt they have is crazy and affects their future lives. “About half (48%) say that paying off debt made it harder to pay other bills; a quarter says it has made it harder to buy a home (25%); and about a quarter say it has had an impact on their career choices (25%), (Pew Research Center). It is crazy to believe that these people went to college to obtain their dream job and make a good income, but 25% say that the student debt is affecting their choices in their career and making them go another way. Also, where it says that 48% is saying it is making it harder to make them pay for their bills is crazy because this issue can affect their way of living and possibly just make them homeless and the same as 25% says that it is making it harder for them to buy a house. So, this is one of the reasons why all people don't have to go to college because this student debt is making these students broke and deeply in debt.

In addition, Programs are offering high schoolers job training for them to pursue their future job without going to college. “That certification exam, once they pass it, they have it in their hand, they can go to that employer and say, I’m certified to work as a CNA in a hospital, home health, long-term care, rehab, you name it,”(CBS News). This fact is amazing because they go to the program and they all can choose the program they want to learn and they learn all the things they would teach you in college, but for free, and you take an exam and there you have a certification that could get you the job you always wanted for way cheaper than college would offer it to you. Also, my brother is doing the same thing where he goes to a thing called CCIC, where he is doing cybersecurity, and he finds it super useful because it's teaching him very useful things that he could use in the future and because of this program he is working on getting an internship with a big company to pursue his work in cybersecurity. 

Furthermore, others will agree that college is unnecessary and you don't need it, but others disagree and believe that college is a necessity and is useful to you. They think this because, “74% say their college education was very useful in helping them grow intellectually; 69% say it was very useful in helping them grow and mature as a person; and 55% say it was very useful in helping them prepare for a job and career,”(Pew Research Center). This fact shows that there is a good percentage of students saying that their experience at college has helped them exponentially and given them more experiences in life with new job opportunities. So, I do understand why some people think college is necessary, but there are a lot more examples of showing college is not necessary as it could negatively affect your future life shown in this essay. 

In conclusion, College is unnecessary and to a sense pointless to some people due to many factors. Student debt, college tuition are the biggest factors today that affect people’s choices on choosing to go to college. These factors are making people more stressed with the fact that it brings up a big-money problem and some people can't even think about going to college because they don't have enough money to go to college. The point of this essay was to bring this problem to people’s attention and that this is a big issue that still surrounds us every day. So, when you want to pursue your future job you can think about the programs that were brought up in this essay and take advantage of those opportunities so you won't have to deal with this money problem.

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