Achieving Goals Essay Example

📌Category: Goals, Life, Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 439
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 August 2022

You can't be afraid to fail. Failure is the only thing that will allow you to succeed. You won't succeed in everything you do."- Lebron James. As a kid, I always looked up to Lebron James not just for his talents on the court, but also for the person he is and what he has accomplished. It's important not to be afraid to fail because failing is the only way to succeed. You won't succeed all the time, and I understand that. And Growing up, I always looked up to Lebron James for his character and how he has been able to succeed.

It always seemed to me that Lebron always knew what to do in every situation no matter what he was in, so I always thought about what it takes to be successful in anything I ever wanted to do and my favorite quote by LeBron to me is "You can't be afraid to fail. It's the only way you succeed. You're not gonna succeed all the time and I know that." And to me, this quote shows me, That what I strive for in life is just to make the best decisions I can only do daily, because I know I will never succeed at everything, but if I don't achieve the goals I set, I feel as though I am not successful.

For instance, I have always tried to be successful at school because I have always felt that it was important to complete my academic goals. I value it and I have not always been successful in completing my academic goals. Once I turned my attention to actually completing my goals, I was more successful in academics. Until my 10th grade year, I never reached my academic goals in school. But in my 10th-grade year, I achieved my academic goals, and I succeeded in all aspects of the course to the best of my ability. After I entered my 11th-grade year I became discouraged because it got tiring striving for goals that I had already achieved but wanted to keep going. However, every time I got discouraged I looked to a person I admired to keep me going.

My role model has always been Lebron James. Even if I didn't complete the goals I wanted to reach, I knew as long as I was determined to complete them, I would succeed.

I know that no matter what challenges I face in life, no matter how good or bad, there is always a chance that achieving your own goals will never be easy, however, I believe that as long as you are committed to yourself and determined to achieve whatever goals you set for yourself you will achieve them. It Doesn't matter what obstacles stand in your way on your journey to success, you will achieve your goals.

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