Risk Taking and Careful Planning on The Way to Success Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophy, Success
đź“ŚWords: 400
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 20 July 2022

People are divided into two in the answer to the question of whether success is gained by working with a plan or by taking risks. Some argue that planned work will bring success, while others argue that taking risks and seizing opportunities will bring. In my opinion, it makes sense to take risks when appropriate, but in general, planned work will bring success.

When we look at the benefits of planned work, we can say that we work less and actively on a daily basis. If I give an example from the course, it will be more beneficial to organize and read the notes taken in the course since the beginning of the semester, rather than trying to memorize the accumulated notes on the day before the exam. You will get a much better grade with as little as an hour of study per day. In addition, such a study method will increase your motivation. It will enable you to work with motivation and self-confidence both in your work and in your other daily responsibilities.

Another advantage of planned work is that you can successfully balance your work and private life. Since you do your work on time correctly and efficiently, your life will not be jammed and you will be able to devote time to your special interests and people you love. Also, living without a plan can make you tired. Because an unplanned person does not know what to do, she/he feels restless, tired and sleepless. This causes her/him to spend most of the day sleeping. However, if it is planned, this sleepless leaves its place to a vigorous and productive day.

Finally, planned work plays an important role in preventing stress and serious diseases caused by stress. When you go unplanned, this situation inevitably leads to stress because the work you will do will be stuck. Stress, as you know, can lead to serious illnesses such as anxiety or depression. As a person who has tried two options, I can say that I feel safer when I work in a planned way. Otherwise, the pressure and stress on me negatively affect my understanding and focus on the subjects.

To summarize, People are split on whether to plan or take risks but I think that planned work is more logical and guaranteed than taking risks in every respect. It has the inevitable benefit of being focused, organizing life, and feeling safe. However, sometimes there are places where we have to take risks. In such cases, I think we should not avoid taking risks. Because risk can also bring incredible success.

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