The Importance of Detailed Planning in Success Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophy, Success
đź“ŚWords: 662
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 20 July 2022

While trying to hit milestones in life, people are either in a rush to achieve success by taking risks or at ease on account of detailed planning and execution. Both of these techniques have been proven to lead to success. Then, if we want to reach ultimate success, which one is better? In my opinion, detailed planning is the best technique to use for many reasons.

First of all, preparing the plan first hand before getting to work decreases the risk of confusing yourself while in the middle of the work. If you plan everything, you will follow the steps you have chosen as instructions which is a way useful strategy than taking risks, hoping for the better, and possibly disarranging everything. For instance, buying new furniture from the store and getting home to build it by yourself is an extremely confusing job. Since all of the people buying the furniture will not likely be all mechanics, knowing this, the company will provide the buyer with an instruction book that shows everything you need to do for achieving your well-built object. Think of arranging your plan before attempting to do everything in your mind as an instruction map for your work. Way less confusion with a chance of way more success. Moreover, all of this planning will, of course, take some time. If you need to get your work done perfectly in no time, you will more likely rush everything, which is considered as ‘’taking a risk’’. Since you are not entirely planning everything and ‘’going with the flow’’ for an exemplary important assignment, you will most likely miss some important points in your work that would have led you to an achievement. Ruining all the labor you have put into your work by finishing it just an hour earlier is pointless; therefore, planning everything will lead you to possibly better outcomes.

Furthermore, detailed planning can help you at any point in your life. Getting used to planning everything will make you practical over time with a stronger sense of making decisions easily. For example, whether that be planning your conversations before going to a job interview or making a to-do list before going out to run errands, planning at any moment in your life will help you immensely in being prepared for anything. Whereas while taking risks for your every action, your luck is not guaranteed to be there for you every time. What if your job interview goes very wrong when the job recruiter asks you a question and you have not planned what to say before to impress your possible boss? Choosing remarkable words for impressing the hirer would be a wiser choice. What if while running errands an unexpected outcome happened where it started to rain cats and dogs out of nowhere? Maybe you should have checked the weather before going out. These are the smallest things, but sometimes they can come in handy.

Additionally, by careful planning, you can weigh every possible way to achieve success by having a plan B or even C besides your initial plan. It is always better to have a backup plan when everything seems to be going wrong in your original plan. While that does not mean you will be doomed to fail in your first plans every time, succeeding and failing have a fifty-fifty chance. For example, you are late for work. You are getting in your car and making your way to the route to your work you always use. The road you usually take is closed due to construction. You do not fret because you have already chosen the possible routes to reach your workplace in case of emergency. You perform plan B and choose the alternate road to your work. Even when that road is closed, you have other possible solutions for this matter. Otherwise, by taking risks, you probably do not have any alternate solutions for any problem. If your initial plan fails, the whole plan fails. Considering the same story, if the road is closed, you are done for.

In conclusion, planning everything beforehand is a way better technique to use when you are getting work done. Not only detailed planning promises you a possible fault-free and well-organized outcome, but it also helps you in any part of your life.

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