Essay Sample about Networking: The Only Path to Success

📌Category: Philosophy, Success
📌Words: 520
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

Opportunities are presented to us on a daily basis: during work, at school, and even in extra-curricular events and activities. When presented with the opportunity to do something incredible, you want to take the chance to impress- but is it what you know or who you know that really determines your future accomplishments? Although it is presented to us that knowledge is the only gateway to a successful future, modern access to information and networking opportunities refute this claim and prove that who you know is more impactful in the long run.

Many people believe that specific knowledge is more valuable than networking, however the most successful people choose to network to further their reach towards success. In 1998, Google was founded and a continuously growing digital library has become increasingly available throughout the years. Although one may not know what the square root of pi is, or why the Earth rotates around a spinning axis, the smartest person in the room will have already started researching and gathering information rather than manually finding the answers. Anybody can gain knowledge, and now the only aspect that sets those that are successful apart from the crowd is who they know. Ultimately, knowledge has become a cheap asset in our society, increasing the importance of knowing people to get further.

When things get tough, having a network of reliable people becomes a safety net. Jordan Harbinger is the perfect example of why who you know will always turn out to be more beneficial. After over a decade of co-hosting The Art of Charm, one of the most successful business podcasts on the air, creative differences forced him to leave and lose the legacy he had worked so hard to construct. However, because he had constructed a strong network around him, he was able to get a new, more successful podcast up and running in just a matter of months. Sometimes unfortunate situations occur that are uncontrollable. While knowledge is important throughout difficult times, the most valuable resource is the people you know supporting you through it all.

This value is also clearly expressed in many works of literature, such as The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, where her incredible literary piece illustrates an environment in which having no connections is lethal. Thanks to Katniss’ constant support from sponsors, friends she made in the horrid environment, and advice she had received, her connections ultimately allowed her to make it out alive. At the end of the day, it was not the knowledge Katniss was able to apply within the game, but who Katniss worked with to create alliances, which ultimately left her a victor. By using the days leading up to the event wisely, she chose to improve her relationships with others- yet another example of how networking through difficult situations can make the biggest difference.

Thorough connections and constantly growing relationships lead to much greater success than when relying on personal knowledge that can be accessed by nearly anyone at any given time. Katniss Everdeen, Jordan Harbinger, and Google reveal the value of networking in today’s society and prove that connections present the opportunity to show off knowledge and achieve success. With information ready at the touch of our fingertips at any time, this asset has become cheap- leaving it trailing in second place in the race of what the most important tool of success is- who you know.

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