Children Should Receive an Allowance Only for Doing Chores Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Child development, Family, Life, Personal finance, Psychology
📌Words: 403
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 June 2021

Do you wish your parents gave you money to spend on a regular basis? Some parents across the country give their children a weekly allowance regardless of their behavior to teach them financial responsibility. On the other hand, some parents only give allowances as a reward for completing chores or when their children have behaved properly. Children should only receive an allowance when they complete chores because it teaches them to work for money, to have an entrepreneurial mindset, and promotes good behavior. 

Children completing tasks for an allowance shows them that there is no such thing as something for nothing. When one has to work for money they realise that nothing in life is free and that you get out what you put in. So making children work for their allowance is setting them up for success in life, and prepares them to be able to work hard for what they want when they get out on their own. It could be said that children are too young to worry about working and should be able to enjoy themselves as a kid, but it’s never too early to teach them responsibility. 

Juveniles should only receive compensation for tasks because it teaches them to have an entrepreneurial mindset. Having this trait is very beneficial to the child because now they will start looking for different ways to make money. During their adulthood having the practice of finding multiple ways to bring in income may spark an idea to make them a fortune. Some may say a child chasing money at such a young age isn’t good, but in reality it’s never too early to become an entrepreneur. 

Adolescents receiving payment for finishing their chores promotes good behavior. In children's eyes they see chores as a punishment or as a job. Many parents feel that giving chores isn’t the right way to teach their child to take responsibility and promote good behavior. However when children see that good behavior is rewarded they’ll want to stick to that good behavior. Resulting in the child pitching in around the house, but also being an excellent role model for his peers. 

n conclusion, children should only receive an allowance when they complete their chores. As mentioned before this teaches minors that they have to work for what they want. In addition, adolescents working for an allowance teaches them to have a progressive mindset. Finally, teaching children to work for their allowance promotes superior behavior. All of the reasons above are great reasons why you should start to make your kid work for their allowance, so start now and see life changing results.

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