Why I Want to Become a Teacher Personal Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Career, Education, Learning, Life, Myself
đź“ŚWords: 456
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 29 June 2022

I want to become a teacher to be able to make a change in the world. In becoming a teacher, I will shape future generations through the curriculum that I establish and the wisdom I will impart.

It has always been a passion of mine to help people, and in particular, children. Having been the youngest of five children, I enjoy/love helping and nurturing the younger generation. This is a family value instilled within me since childhood. Despite the sacrifices that my parents have made for my education, I want to prove to them that I am capable of achieving my goal and repay them for their efforts. I am eager to leave my comfort zone. It will help me build my confidence, resilience, and independence.

Despite the challenges of adjusting to a new place that is unfamiliar to an international student coming to NZ for studies and sports, I have learned to be patient and trust my abilities. Because I had to learn a new method of learning, I had to work harder than those around me. My time in New Zealand has taught me that I am capable of achieving my goals and making an impact by taking leaps of faith with great determination and patience. Obtaining my goals requires me to have patience, which I believe is crucial.

Another quality that I have is that I am responsible and have a positive attitude in every opportunity/ path that I take on. I can adjust to any given environment/situation. I am also very involved in extracurricular activities such as netball and rugby. This year, as I was helping in coaching the Wesley College Premier Netball Team, I took upon myself some major responsibility to see how my knowledge of netball will help the team work together. I have also enjoyed teaching the girls the skills and drills that I have been taught to me by my past coaches. This felt good to be able to impart knowledge that helped the team in developing their skills and love for netball. As the girls in the team benefitted from what I have taught them, this made me feel good and rewarding. I was able to contribute positively to the team culture and provided team management when needed.

Great teachers are warm, approachable, enthusiastic, and caring to students, as well as to everyone around the school. They are the kind of teachers students know they can turn to when they have problems or concerns. Teachers who are great listeners are devoted to anyone who requires them, even if they are way too busy. If the teacher is having a bad day, no one will ever know, because personal baggage is left outside the school gate. A great teacher respects his or her students' ideas and opinions. This teacher creates a welcoming working environment where students feel free to express their feelings. These are the qualities you need to have to become a great teacher.

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