Definition of Family Essay Example

📌Category: Family
📌Words: 799
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 August 2022

What is the true definition of family? Over the years the definition may have some similarities to those of the past but in some ways, it has changed drastically in today’s day and age. The traditional family fifty-plus years ago had strict rules, closer relationships, and showed each other respect. Although some families today may share these same values there are some families that are drastically different. 

Closer relationships

In today’s society, it is very rare to find a family that sits down and actually takes the time out of their day to share a meal together. When my mother talked about her childhood she talked about how her familyt was so close to each other and how they spent so much time togeether. But when I look around in todays society I do not see any of this. Familys do not have time to sit and eat together anymore and if they did half of them would be on their phones. It is sad what family life has come to. When I think back to the summer when all my siblings were in the house I never saw them. My older sister would be out with er boyfriend, my brother out with his girlfriend and my sister out with her boyfriend or friends. Teens do not realize that they while not have their parents here for their resst of thier lives and they need t cahrish these moments. The people they choose tho hang out with may always be around but we have limited time with our parents. ANd when are parents are gone the only family we will have lfet is our siblings and as things are going right now I doubt they will be their for you when the time comes.


Growing upkids were suppose to listen to their poarent s and do what every they sadi. But as the time goes on kids ar ebending the rules and acting opun themselves. When my mom was growing up if she came home after her curfew she was in huge trouble, this was unexabtibly. Her parents were firm with there rules and as long as she lived under their roof she must follow them. This is derastially different in todays socielt. AT liste in my house curfew is inly a suggestion. ANd gets broken all the time by my siblings. At first they listened but they wanted to see how far they could test the waters before they would drown. It wnet from five minutes over curfew to thirty. THis is plan out disrispectful for kids into days day and age. They think becasue there parents are soft on them they can just walk all tover them. Another thing that teens are doing in this generation is not asking hteir parents but telling them there plans. WHen my mom was growing up she had to ask to go to a friends house but in todays csociety kids are telling there parents their plans. For example my brother does not ask to go to his girlfriends he tells my parents he is going to his girlfriends.

Familys are suppose to look out for each other

The best example I have for this is from the stories my grandfather has told me. When he was a teenager his father unexpectedly died and him, his mom, and sister were left. Instead of my grandfather leaving the providing for his mother to do, he stepped up and helped out. He has always worked hard and has been a great roled model in my life he has shown me that no matter what you do not leave family and you help them no matter what. 

On the other hand, I have an anecdote that I personal experienced that shows that teens in my generations do not care about family that much. Picture this, your dad has a doctors appointment after school and can not take you home, your sister has volleyball until 6 and your brother is going to go to his girlfriends house. This being said you are left without a car and no way to get home. So you take it upon yourself and try to find a ride home, but in the end messages got mixed up and you are back from where you are started. So after achool is over you go out to your brothers truck to tell him your situation. He does not care one bit and even pulls away when you are leaning on his car. His excuxe was that his secound family was waiting for him and he did not care about my problems. SO there I am standing in the school parking lot as my brother, MY BLOOD, leaves in the dirt and does not regreat it for a secound. This is the moment I realized that peopel do not view family the same way any more. People intodays day and age care more about their friends family or girlfriends family then that of the family they were born into.

In conclusion there are many differences in the ways family life is in this generation. Wheter that be a good or a bad thing.

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