Career as a Psychologist Essay Sample

📌Category: Career, Life, Psychology
📌Words: 470
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

My career choice in life is to become a psychologist. Well more like a counseling psychologist. A psychologist is a person who studies the behavior of people. It also teaches us how to deal with emotions and how they respond. I want to become one because I know that some people don't have a person they can talk to and I know I can be there for them. It doesn't matter what the problem is, they just need somebody to talk to and let out the bottled-up emotions.  In some households, you cope with trauma by making jokes out of it and everyone thinks you're ok but deep down you’re not. You could be the type of person in school who will look for attention, the quiet kid, and the kid who always makes jokes but do people know the real you? I want to help people who can’t talk to everyone about their problems. In my opinion, I feel like people who can talk about what’s going on in their life and not people who give judgment and shut them down when they are speaking better person. Individuals just need someone they can vent. I have experience with this because I have a family member that’s going through things. I give her better suggestions about what she can do. To this day she is still alive because of me. I might be a child but I take on different experiences from everyone. No matter if it’s just to vent I’m here to listen to it. There isn’t any room for judgment when people are in need. Today’s suicide rate is 13.93 per 100,000 individuals according to suicide statistics. This often occurs in men because society claims that men shouldn’t cry or always be the bigger person when they are human beings just like us females. Society today has changed due to the negative in the pack and telling people who or who they shouldn’t be. These types of things occur during teenagers, young adults, and children too. Peer pressure, stress, abuse, trauma, and their social life can cause this negative impact in today’s period. Peer pressure is caused by humanity. Humanity and social media can cause people to do things they don’t want to do. Stress is due to the change or heavy amount of work being put on one person. Every person is different and has struggles they go through. Abuse can be emotionally, physically, and mentally. Despite the abuse, you can find other cognitive activities to distract your mindset until you can find someone you can trust. Doing activities can be helpful in any situation. Trauma corresponds to the abuse that has occurred during early childhood and is taking effect on how the person developed during the years. Having a social life can have a positive impact on your life. When you interact with people you feel happier. Other people's auras/ mood can cause this. The number of hours you spend with your friends that make you happy can make a difference.

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