Reflection Essay Example: What Advice Would a Dog Give About Life if It Could Talk?

📌Category: Life, Philosophy
📌Words: 884
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 31 July 2022

With new people to meet and new places to visit, life can be intriguing and full of surprises. However, life can be perplexing, confusing and short as well. As man's best friend, we dogs have a huge responsibility to guide humans through the treacherous journey of life by advising them through their ups and downs always to try their best, not compare themselves to others and be affectionate and kind toward others.

In the 64 dog years of my life, I have observed human nature through the ways they act. From hearing stories of their day-to-day lives and observing them, I notice that they tend to quit when things get complicated and do not always attempt their best when completing each task. By quitting, one ensures failure. Similarly, when one is too afraid to try and not brave enough to face it, they will never know the outcome of what could have occurred if they had tried their best. This is a piece of advice I give to all humans as it is a message that explains the life that one could have achieved but chose not to. My life experiences as a canine may differ from a human’s, but I still use this advice throughout my life. Even when chasing my tail continuously, I may not succeed in capturing it; however, I give it my best effort and feel motivated to try instead of ensuring instant failure by quitting. Goals remain a goal until you take action. By making the best use of the present by always trying your best, choosing to try and taking risks despite fear, you will be one step closer to being successful and reaching that goal as you do not know what the future holds. Even if your best doesn’t succeed at first, not giving up, being persistent and not quitting allows you to live the best outcome. Once you put your best effort towards each obstacle, your mind feels motivated and a sense of bravery to proceed in other challenges and tasks, knowing by trying your best, you can see the outcome of what those efforts hold.

Humans tend to underestimate themselves and have mindsets that cast a spell that solely focuses on the negative parts of themselves. They share their problems with us and come to us when they are in need of a friend to talk with. Out of our loyalty and emotional connection, we dogs spend much of our lives convincing them that they are perfect just the way they are. Humans, however, reach for our fur and stroke it with a smile, disregarding the advice to not compare themselves to others that in their eyes, are supposedly superior. Despite how little this word of advice may seem, as a fellow canine, I strongly advise humans to pay close attention to it as this may be a regular habit a human is unaware of, which has harmful effects. By comparing oneself to others, one’s self-esteem is drastically lowered due to feeling a sense of defeat by others or failure to achieve life’s full potential. The happiness and fulfillment one feels in life becomes overshadowed by the “superior” achievements of others which they feel they could have had. The more one compares themselves; the more valuable time is taken away from achieving what one wants to accomplish in life. As a canine, I too have to use this advice in my life as well. If I were to spend much of my life comparing my short rough fur to the beautifully long thick fur of the dogs in the neighborhood, I would not have the time to take care of it to make it better. By constantly comparing themselves, humans hold themselves back from living their own lives and reaching their potential. Once they overcome comparing themselves and break the spell, humans can work to reach their goals, move on with their lives, make their dreams and goals a reality and learn to be happy for others rather than comparing them to themselves.

Humans are in constant interaction with one another, whether from face-to-face conversations or through what we dogs call the “communication ringer.” However, these interactions are often not used as an opportunity to be kind. Humans tend not to always be kind or affectionate towards one another. Although it may seem insignificant or pointless to do acts of kindness or be kind, to create a happier environment for us all, one can spread happiness which positively impacts a person’s life in ways we would not expect. As a dog, I have seen the adverse effects of unkindness towards humans, whether it be harsh criticism towards my owner’s outfit that lowers their self-esteem or harsh words said during an argument. Simple acts of kindness can change a human’s self-esteem, motivate them to have a great day and even make them feel positive. One should show appreciation and kindness to those around them who help them in times of need because they didn’t have to help you but chose to do so. Rude comments and acts of unkindness can push a person to the edge, but small acts of kindness, whether a quick compliment or smile, can push someone to climb and conquer. That is why I advise all humans to do their part in being affectionate and delivering small acts of kindness.

As man's best friend, we dogs have much work to do to guide our humans through the journey of life full of ups and downs. As they meet new people and go through life stages, we will always be there to make sure our humans always remember to try their best, not compare themselves to others, and be affectionate and kind toward others.

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