Effects of Coal Mining on Environment Essay Sample

📌Category: Environment
📌Words: 681
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Coal mining is affecting our environment greatly as it’s adding to air pollution in Canada, sacrificing our air, our healthy lungs, and destroying the habitats of the plants and animals that occupy our land. All for essentially just over $1 billion a year. Our environment will slowly fall apart if the growth of coal mining continues. We can make a change if we work together and stop the act of coal mining. Air pollution is a familiar environmental health hazard. We know what we’re looking at when brown hаze settles over а city, exhaust billows across а busy highway, or a plume rises from а smоkestасk. Some air pollution is nоt seen, but its pungent smell alerts you. As coal mining continues, the air pollution grows as coal is mined in a matter of milliseconds.

As more carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere each time one piece of coal is mined, 6,000 innocent Chinese coal miners pass away yearly from black lung disease. For instance, coal will weaken us human beings from all the chemicals. Nitrogen, when it leaves its root zones, may affect the predominance of groundwater and surface water. The main ingredient in coal is carbon, which affects life on earth conspicuously, as they are the greenhouse gasses with the most illustrious levels of radiation in the atmosphere. This naturally causes global warming and, fundamentally, climate change. This most likely puts wildlife at risk as it vanquishes some particular animal habitats.

Coal is mined in a matter of milliseconds. Which adds a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the air that we breathe in and our air quality is declining as it’s degrading. Some particular individuals live near coal mines, which pollute the air and water. It has been estimated that living near a coal mine may reduce life expectancy and increase rates of lung disease, heart cancer, respiratory and kidney disease. One of the most serious risks of coal mining is acid mine drainage. Which contaminates ground and surface water with highly weighted metals and toxins exposed from mining. This dismembers aquatic ecosystems and water supplies that organizations rely on for drinking and agriculture. 

Coal mining can cause flooding as it generates gallons of extremely high leveled toxicity, semi-solid waste also named as “Slurry”. To capture slurry, dams are most of the time built in between mountains from where coal is being obtained. There are many documented examples in which slurry dams have failed, resulting in deadly floods and ensuring there will be an environmental disaster. High levels of methane, a vigorous greenhouse gas, are released while the mining process promotes the destruction of the ozone layer. Another greenhouse gas, the most popular, is Carbon Dioxide (CO2), which is released into the ignition process When coal is used to refill electric generators and steam engines. As a result, global warming is formally one of the most significant and widespread environmental effects of coal mining.

One of the least damaging environmental things that may happen while coal mining is noise pollution. Coal mining is a tumultuous, day- and night-required process that interrupts the lives of those in the trapped communities, which reduces the life quality and life span which can last for decades. Noise pollution significantly affects public health. Researchers found out that it may raise stress, affect mental health, and take part of to develop health issues like high blood pressure. Immediate exposure to loud or interminable noise can also lead to hearing impairment. It may cause behavior changes and psychological issues. This all may make you socially awkward when talking to an individual/human being.

This is why I think coal mining is horrible for the environment, as the earth destroying money-making ore causes many flaws like Carbon Dioxide which is the worst and most famous greenhouse gas in the world. There are hundreds of flaws and we can all make a difference, a change if we work together to stop coal mining! We do not need to add to all the pollution and Carbon dioxide more than there already is. We all are capable of making a healthy planet by pausing all of the dangerous jobs that cause greenhouse gasses. Not only is it affecting us, individuals, it is also attacking the innocent wildlife that is helpless. There are too many health hazards to risk mining coal, if we continue this, it will only get worse. I’m saying this because we can make a change.

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